IRCHighway channel #ebooks, don’t use a web client, I won’t give you links but this should be enough to send you on your way
IRCHighway channel #ebooks, don’t use a web client, I won’t give you links but this should be enough to send you on your way
I do, I get them directly from IRC
I mean, driving a car is dangerous, everything has a risk inherent to it but you can minimise it by being prudent.
I used it to connect a generator to the wall and give me some temporary power in my house when I was renovating. It’s only dangerous if you are stupid.
Climb high building, take leap of faith
Follow some guys for a while
Kill bad guy because reasons
Go to step 1.
I have thoughts and prayers for the bullet that couldn’t do it’s job
a way to make science more accessible to everyone ostensibly I believe.
everyone that speaks English…
Skulls for the skull throne…
I want that so much, get 10 university degrees, learn to play the guitar, become a master craftsman, all in a day.
imagine the scandal of playing Madonna’s “Like a Prayer”
Is it because she kisses a black guy? It seems like a very non problematic music video, I don’t get the scandal.
And the Pharma commercials?! It’s insane, if I want a pill I go to the doctor/pharmacy say I have a headache they will prescribe some shit and I will pick it up, why would I need a commercial for that?
Of course, any time you’re doing something no one has ever done before, it’s prudent to consider whether you should.
As a pentester I approve this message
I think they would say, “Ok you all voted for synonyms of human race so lets start the killing”
Demon fox with 4 eyes
It’s almost as if mass shootings increase with the number of guns in circulation
Milk is shit, other than that I agree
So there are gamer girls after all