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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Hazdaz@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldImmune to marketing
    1 year ago

    never bought

    I’d call them a lying sack of shit, quite honestly, because the best marketing is subliminal and can create a desire that you might not notice for a while or in a different environment. You don’t have to click on an ad or immediately jump on Amazon to be affected by marketing. But the fact that you might remember the name of a certtain product when you go to the store and buy that type of cereal or simply yearning for a certain type of phone or shoes or car means that marketing is indeed working on that person.

  • Sometimes that cheap price ends up coming with a high cost. The US is an auto manufacturing country. Simply letting cheap Chinese cars come here would cost hundreds of thousands of well paying, stable jobs. The same people who feign concern that their iPhone are made with near slave labor in China, will completely forget about those slave labor conditions for their cheap Chinese EV if it saves them a few grand. We have enough stuff made in China. The world is at a level where it is frighteningly dependent on that one country for a whole ton of goods. We don’t need to add cars to that list as well.

    But it’s more than just that. We have safety and emissions regulations. The emission thing isn’t a concern for EVs, but that’s kept lesser foreign brands out for decades. The safety thing is incredibly important though. As recently as just a year or two, Chinese cars were folding up like an accordion in similarly stringent European crash tests. We have enough carnage on American roads as it is, we don’t need these poorly engineered Chinese EVs to add to that.

    The US government offers EVs a rebate, but that only applies to cars built here. That rebate can really help in lowering the price of EVs down to similar-ish levels as what it would take to ship a Chinese EV over here and sell it. Sort of. Also to sell a vehicle here, you really need a dealership network of some kind. Tesla has shown that it doesn’t need to be a traditional dealer network. It can be more like storefronts, but at some point there has to be some place where consumers can see your product and that costs money and adds to the total cost of a vehicle directly or indirectly. Things do need to get repaired at some point as well, so consumers aren’t going to just buy a car if there isn’t some kind of repair and maintenance facility nearby. Chinese brands lack any of this infrastructure

    So China can keep their cars, we don’t need them here.

  • I’d like to come out and say FUCK LEAF BLOWERS AND EDGE TRIMMERS. Nothing is more annoying them them. Even though mowers are actually louder, they aren’t that bad because once they start, they go for like 30 to 60 minutes and you get used to the noise. But those goddamn edge trimmers… they stop and start and stop and start endlessly.

    Anyways, I use white noise to block out as much disruptions as possible. Alexa has various white noise generators. I actually prefer the sound of brown noise rather than regular white noise. Also youtube has tons of background noise videos. Many are many hours long. One of my favorite ones are the sounds of the Enterprise from Star Trek, as well as a video that is Cafe sounds. The Cafe one you can hear people talking, but it isn’t clear enough for you to understand so after a bit it all kind of fades into the background.

    I also have a Playlist of music that is all instrumental. If it doesn’t have words, it doesn’t bother me if I am trying to concentrate.

  • You don’t solve racism with MORE racism.

    And “reverse racism” is no different than any other racism.

    Yet that is exactly what is happening. And people see it happening and it turns off some of the same people who would otherwise support your cause. This is a situation that breeds resentment, and stories like the ones posted over the last few days where a LOT of young white males are turning to right-wing groups should not be a surprise to anyone. These terribly thought-out policies are pushing many white (as well as Asian and Indian and Cuban) voters away from left-leaning causes because they feel they are being excluded. The Left is fighting racism in the dumbest way possible… with more racism, and SHOCKINGLY it is blowing up in their faces.