• Pogbom@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    They don’t all do it, they’re just statistically more likely to. Being born with everything you need to be happy, healthy, educated and wealthy just makes a person less likely to do something like this, but of course there are exceptions to both sides. The overall point is still that funding programs for peope in need would likely reduce some of these events.

    • shneancy@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      fully agree with that. A lot of crime is just desperation. Given the choice of commiting a crime or living in misery or even dying - you’re going to commit a crime.

      • GreenM@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Are you talking about the type of crime of murdering innocent peope because killer unjustly blames them or type of crime where hungry kid steals bread ? To me at least those those two are not the same category.

        • shneancy@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I think the answer should be obvious.

          I mean the type of crime in part justified by societal inequalities. Not the type where one kills another because they had personal issues

    • GreenM@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Nah you are talking about crimes out of poverty which can be robbing stores and can have deaths as side effect etc.

      This case is about killing people to murder them. In term of motive It’s more alongside the serial killers who enjoy their victims suffering , often have high IQ, seems totaly normal for neighbors and are otherwise living quite comfy life. While this dude was no living comfy, if he was despread with money, he could have steal it but killing randoms to make them “dead” is tottaly different thing than crime out of poverty.

      • Pogbom@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        But are you saying this person was a high IQ, normally functioning member of society? Because he clearly was not if the post above is to be believed.

        The only point I’m trying to make is that we likely could have stopped this if we gave him what he needed early on. Give him mental health support, financial means to support himself through hardship, training and therapy geared towards his personality and low IQ.

        Of course he’s still guilty for his crime and the responsibility for his problems is entirely on him, but all those supports could have gone a long way towards preventing this.

        • GreenM@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          Nope you are taking that part out of context. I’m saying he killed because he wanted to kill/ make victims suffer. I never said his IQ was high. I put the pure sadistic nature of his actions in to the contrast of actions taken out of neccesity to survive when someone is desperate.

          I compare his actions with serial killers and find them different from crimes out of poverty.

          As for prevention, it could or maybe could not work.
          Maybe he was simply of sadistic nature regardless of his IQ. We could say that every murder, every crime, any wrongdoing could have been prevented and take a blame for them all. It’s kinda true but also not.

          My point is that OP meme seems to indicate sociaity was at fault i say killer is at fault. Which you seem to agree as well.