Yeah, we called them “Portables.” They were there long before I came, and will be there long after I am dead. Long live our plywood fortresses.
For me it was containers like these:
Long live our tin fortresses
At least you had windows. My kids are in a pretty new school building, but most of the classrooms are located in the middle of the building without windows and natural light. Seems like another one of those “only in America” things.
Yeah the “middle” was the school yard surrounded by narrow buildings
I’m sad to report it’s very much not limited to America. My local university had these things pop up to some considerable height because one of the buildings was condemned due to mold. Condemned about three years ago and is still standing. There’s also a number of schools using these things because they burned down or got condemned or whatever, I’m not entirely sure. At least one of those has been going two years longer than it was supposed to.
Oh, I’m not talking about these “temporary” container-like structures. I’m talking about newly built permanent school buildings that have no windows in the classrooms. I’ve never seen that outside the US.
What’s with the cable at the top between sections?
Demountables for us
Did you go to Summer Heights High?
Not far off
I’m pretty sure ours was asbestos… back in the 80s.
Yup, that’s what I was told they were called.
I was searching the thread to see if everyone called them that or if it was regional.
I’m pretty sure ours are still there 23 years later.
I remember showing up for tenth grade, looking at the list of assigned classrooms in the first day of the school year. Instead of the usual the digit number, it said “C1”. My classmates showed up, and we’re just as confused as I was.
The C turned out to be short for “container”, which we found in a corner of the school grounds.
That said, being able to quickly go outside in every break was pretty neat. And the school actually did get a second building only a few years later.
Walking through the snow in the Canadian winter from your warm school hallway to the portable for that one class was always torture.
I went to school in Aurora in the 90s but didn’t have to suffer any of these containers. Moved to Virginia and had a bunch of classes in them
For anyone interested: This meme has been posted by bots to a Reddit community I was active in back then very often.
A bot would mirror these Reddit posts in a Discord server and because this exact meme has been posted there so often, it became an insider at some point, with various people always posting this meme again (because that was itself funny).That’s why I can’t take this meme seriously at all.
Why the hell are you taking a meme seriously in the first place. You see it, laugh if it resonates and move on.
laugh if it resonates
That’s what I mean with taking it seriously. You see it and its contents genuinely as the joke it displays.
In our group, it just became a meta-level-joke because we’ve seen it so often by spam bots and the joke was to re-post it as the newest most original joke one has ever thought of (but without it mattering what’s actually on the image); and that was funny.
But reposts trigger me beyond belief! I feel bad downloading them even though we’re on a completely different platform. I can’t control my emotions though so I just had to justify my feelings to everyone otherwise I’d feel bad.
Geez, what are you talking about? I just wanted to share a fun story I remembered when seeing this image.
It just felt a bit sad and jaded like someone needed to get off internet for a bit but is still addicted lol.
It does give off serious REPOST vibes but… Longer lol.
That sucks man. Hopefully you’ll stop caring one day.
Thank you for well wishes. I’m tormented by reposts nearly as bad as incels are tormented by PizzaCakeComics.
I’m online quite a bit, so really surprised I haven’t seen this one before
So the meme itself is as moldy as the portables? Fitting.
Hell the house I live in was also made to be temporary, for factory workers almos 100 years ago
You’re temporary.
Sometimes when I consider how literally everything is temporary, it does help me set my priorities and let go of some things.
Yeah a kind of positive nihilism. I’ve used that too. I’ve since learned that this kind of “big picture-ing” (just keep zooming perspective out until problem goes away) is a coping mechanism sometimes referred to as “intellectualising.”
That doesn’t mean it’s bad, but it is a way cope by putting some emotional distance between you and a problem, which can sometimes–what am doing… this is the shit posting community right? My apologies lol
I have actually used the term “positive nihilism” before, lol.
It is very freeing to consider that meaning, value, happiness, and what you “should” do with your life - the right answers come only from within. Finding those answers is easier said than done, and you have to un-learn the expectations you think live has for you. (Insert Yoda quote)
Super easy personal example: I’m an engineer with a bunch of degrees. Covid caused some job changes and pain, but right now I am just over a year into the best job I’ve ever had. But even though work is great, I realized that my career does not matter for shit when it comes to my happiness. Having an infinite growth mindset in one’s career might make your money numbers go up faster, but for MY brain the overall experience of life would be diminished.
I wish all the plastic shit I’ll leave behind me for thousands of years would be more temporary too 😩
Neighborhoods go through booms and busts of school age kids. These are actually a great solution to get through the boom, then you move them to the next booming neighborhood. Though the schools should be designed so they butt up against the main building and you can go down a hallway into them.
One school I went to has like a third the school with them, but they were down a hallway connected to the school. I didn’t even realize they were portables until years later.
Welcome to government funding.
School District: we need a new school
Enrollment: 4200
Government: Awesome, here’s $4.2 million, go build the 4200 student school.
SD: Uhh, won’t that take a few years? Should we add some buffer space to the plan?
Government: ehh, naah
Spongebob 3 years later: Welcome to Springfield High School!
Enrollment: 6900
Springfield: see, gooberment, we needed more classrooms!
Gooberment: heh, would you look at that. Lol. Well, use your budget to build some portables.
SD: Us? Why don’t you pay!?!?
Gooberment: Oh, haha, yeah, that’s an operating expense. We only fund capital projects! Don’t worry, give us a plan to expand and we can fund you in 10 years
10 years later: Ok gooberment, our numbers say we need 15 classrooms. But for the expansion, we should do 25 for future proofing
Gooberment: Oh, but you only need 15 now? Yeah here’s money for 15
2 years later: Here’s 15 classrooms!
SD: We need 25…
Gooberment: Oh, yeah, get some portables and talk to us in a few years!
Rinse and repeat
Happened to me except the plan was the school to expand the number of grades in the school year after year to prevent pulling kids out of their current schools
And they built it to be at capacity day 1
was really confused how spongebob fit into this story for awhile
It just makes me happy that the ramp is compliant with regulations. I’ve seen some pretty shitty ramps.
The most permanent solution is always a temporary solution
I remember they had air conditioning when the rest of the school didn’t.
Ours didn’t (in the 1980s). They were hot in summer
My school in the 80’s only had AC in the main office.
That happened when the school refused a number of students. The local politicians didn’t like that and said the school was not allowed to refuse students anymore. When summer vacation came there were a few dozen more students signed in than they’re were chairs in the school. The politicians had no choice but to do some expensive cabin building before school opened for the next year. After that, refusing new students was allowed.
We called them portables.
Does anybody remember the way the floors had a springiness to them and how they squeaked and creaked as you walked across them?
How about the mental kind of threshold-looking strip in the middle of the floor from wall to wall where I believe they had connected two halves together, if I recall?
Good ole’ “portables”
There’s a saying in programming, which I believe applies in most disciplines, that “a temporary solution is a permanent one”; also written as, “no solution is more permanent than a temporary one.”
“there’s no solution so permanent as a temporary one that works”