I’d take the $10 mil. Childhood seems like it would be a lot less fun if I had to go through it again but now with the jaded mind of a middle aged man.
I can for sure find a way to have fun with ten million dollars though 😉
Yeah my childhood sucked, and knowing I’d have another 12 years of abuse with nobody taking me seriously because I’m a kid? No thanks. I could put $10mil to good use right now.
Mine sucked too but I’m trans and would kill to have known that information from the getgo rather than finding out in my 20s
I’m really sorry to hear that you had to go through that, and you can tell me to fuck right off if you don’t want to think about it, but you got me wondering.
Do you think if you went back, you could use what you know today to prevent/avoid it and see how that changes your life?
If their childhood was anything like mine, the impotence wouldn’t be fixed by knowledge.
I was gonna say the same. If I had to go back the only change I would make is avoiding the cops, school councilors, relatives, and judges I thought I could trust. Every attempt we made to get away from our mom made the beatings worse.
Thanks for sharing. I never went through anything like that, and it really says a lot that even with an adult mind, you wouldn’t know what you could do or want to risk trying. Hope you’re doing well now.
My childhood also sucked, but I’d go back.
My parents weren’t monsters, they were flawed people doing what they thought was best… If I could go back and clearly assert myself and my needs? Especially with what I know now?
I’d take that deal.
Not too mention, I’m a programmer. I know every major advancement we’ve made in the past decades…If I designed a language in the early 00’s, I would be worshipped by all programmers. I could’ve made Uber when the iphone launched, and never took a dime in investments. I’d also jump forward AI tech by a couple decades - I could make the world unrecognizable. I’d be a household name, although I’d probably use a pseudonym
10 mil is definitely easier, but if you memorized important global events and stock market crashes or explosions you could potentially build an empire. 10 mil would be chump change at that point. You could potentially maneuver yourself into positions of extreme power and help to shape the world, possibly change it for the better in the process.
True, but in this case I’d only be six years old. I’d be too young to really do anything about future events, and anyone who could do something probably wouldn’t listen to a kid warning then about politics and finance. Somehow I feel like by the time I’d be old enough to make any of that information useful I would have either forgotten a lot of it or ceased to care. I might choose differently if I was starting at age like 25 or 30 though
Well I would imagine my parents would pay attention to a 6 year old with the intellect and speech capability of a fully grown adult, especially once i tell them I can predict important future events and deliver a couple examples. Then I could ask them to create a trust fund and make it invest according to my foreknowledge. 25 years later and it’s a global empire with controlling shares in all major corporations.
but if you memorized important global events and stock market crashes or explosions you could potentially build an empire.
That is the thing when these kinds of topics appear, I totally would commit the same mistakes all over again, hence a boring childhood (I still think I’d go back though).
Gotta somehow get seed money. Even investing your allowance would only get you a couple of thousand. You’re investing doesn’t really pay off until you’re old enough and rich enough to put real money in the game.
See my other comment on this. I’m fairly sure I could get my parents to listen, whom would then do the investing for me, with a lot more than just an allowance (kids can’t invest anyway).
$10MM is instant retirement money.
Yep, red pill would be 3rd place after ‘neither’. I don’t need the burden of that knowledge at 6, especially without the power to act on it.
If I get back to 2005 I can easily get more than 10 millions by the time it’s 2024 again. Plus all the other perks of restarting your life
Easy. Bitcoin.
- Zoom and GameStop stock.
Yeah, get into Bitcoin at the peak investment age of ten.
Edit: JFC y’all, I’m middle-aged.
Have you tried being older? Bitcoin would be a 21+ problem for me!
I’m already older, I was talking to that guy
If your family had a PC at that time absolutely. Just wait for the first inklings and start mining. It was way easier at the start. You’d be able to get several thousands pretty easy. Maybe you get some visa gift cards as a kid for Christmas, dump em in there. Or even just go to any store and use your allowance to buy one. Then sell at the peak. EZPZ
At ten you might have a computer that can mine a couple of hundred bit coin
Were there any DOS programs for mining Bitcoin a couple decades before Bitcoin even existed?
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You were the one positing the idea of Bitcoin at age 10. A 10 year old in 2010 would likely have a suitable computer
Yeah, you can do that. Bitcoin is anonymous and you could earn it relatively easy when it first came out. If you want to get real fucked up with it you could make even more by appealing to those early black markets and use your age as a cover, but that’s risk.
You generally need a credit card to do that.
At the start all you needed was access to any computer. Mine for an hour and come out with some bitcoin
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Early mining required a mid-tier gaming PC, the kind you could finance with a paper route
You become 6 again, but it’s still 2024 and you really freak out your parents. No getting to know the future.
Think of all the time that you could waste again!
No way I’m going through childhood again. Mine sucked.
Do I go back in time to when I was six (red pill then) or am I 6 in 2024 (blue pill then)?
If I go back in time am I morally obligated to try to stop 9/11?
Did you see that episode of Family Guy? I think world events still have to happen.
Your best bet would be to set fires in both towers, causing their evacuation.
I didn’t ask how to prevent it, I asked if I’m morally obligated to try.
Sure, but how was more fun, and I had no moral duty to reply to your actual question
I didn’t even think of the possibility of becoming 6 now. That’s a good monkeys paw scenario.
Money. I ain’t doing this shit again.
But you can do it better the second time. Also you can be rich if when you turn 18 you invest in things you know succeed like Apple, Microsoft, amazon… granted I dunno how young you are, but I’d be going back to the early 90s, and could invest in stuff in the early 2000s
It doesn’t matter how young or old anyone is. Living another 12 years as a child is not worth any amount of money.
Unless you really love the idea of going thru K-8 and then highschool again as an adult in a kids body…
With adult knowledge, but your brain would be your age. You’d have the kid ability to learn. Become fluent in another language if you want
Yes, I’m aware of what we were talking about.
You don’t need to be a child to learn another language.
Used to want the red pill but I have a kid now. Resetting would almost assuredly cause me to end up with a different kid.
I’m team blue.
There’s a related movie that I highly recommend: About Time.
Very good movie
Oh yeah I love that movie. I have it on my server.
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Blue pill. Restarting with all my knowledge, I might end up not meeting my soulmate and not having my kid, because of randomness. I can’t have that.
My exact thoughts. Give me this choice at 19 or 20, sure I’ll restart. Now though, the money would just be nice to provide security to the most valuable thing - my girls.
Any point in time before my body broke down and a chance to not get through the troubles I had in my twenties? The ability to build neuronal structures like a child instead of learning anew profession in my thirties? Hell, I’m not gonna say no to that.
Exactly, if you make changes to things you wish you’d done differently, you could drastically alter your life enough to where you’d be in unknown territory rather quickly.
Sure you’d still have the “dump savings into Bitcoin, sell in September 2020” thing that would make you richer than the blue pill ever could, but the mistakes we make are the biggest reason to relive the past and once you alter those you’d quicky change the course of your life.
If I choose red, I wouldn’t be able to guarantee my daughter would be born even if I met my wife because of, well, biology, but if choose the blue pill I can make sure she’ll have a huge head start on life from this point out, so blue pill it is.
Exactly! In the past, I would have chosen the red pill to change decisions that I made in the past. But today there are some things in my life that are not directly the result of conscious decisions, but that I would not want to miss.
Wholesome take
You can guarantee that she won’t be born
Yeah same. I would love to avoid so much pain and suffering I went through, so much wasted time and bad decisions, but I would not risk it if I didn’t end up with my spouse and child. So, blue pill all the way. Also, 10 mil would actually solve 95% of all our problems to be honest.
I think between being a cute kid and BEGGING my dad who likes to gamble to invest EVERYTHING on Yahoo! From 1994 until the pets.com Superbowl commercial ad aired, and then just hardlined him into selling, he’s probably be able to cut me 10 mil.
Let alone that Id be saying “Microsoft! Coca Cola! Amazon! Apple! Oracle! Pfizer! Johnson & Johnson! Berkshire Hathaway! Wal Mart! And in war years, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin! Intel! Amd! Nvidia!” The whole time.
I’d be a fucking billionaire. Straight up. It would t be gambling, it would be a free money glitch.
Timing Bitcoin right?? Doge?? Get outta here. I’d have more money than anyone on earth.
If I could redo the life I was given with all my current knowledge, 10M would be like the average size of a charity donation or a gift that I would be giving.
Nobody with money to invest is going to listen to a manic six-year-old.
I think you’re mistaking how little would need to be invested.
I think my dad would start listening to his god-omen stock predicting son after a few missed billions.
“Dad listen, my college tuition? Fuck it. Put it down on Bitcoin in Jan of 2009 and sell on November 9th 2021 for ~$25T.”
I’d have over 10 trillion cash after taxes. Literally would have more cash than anyone on earth.
The problem with betting on illiquid securities is that it would guarantee a change in that securities future. I’d probably stick with a big ocean of money to invest in like blue chip stocks because you personally aren’t going to change the market and if you have foreknowledge you can still make billions.
For something like trying to turn 300k into 25T on Bitcoin, yes, absolutely.
You could 100% become a trillionaire without significantly affecting market positions, though, even with just general knowledge and ~50 $100-$10,000 investments.
Compounding interest is a hell of a drug.
I mean yes if you could sell out. That transfer crashes the coin I bet and may have had negative consequences to your ability to cash out.
He wouldn’t get his terrabucks, but he’d get a gigabuck or two
A six year old that can predict major events? Besides. Just wait and invest in Bitcoin yourself or Google, Apple or MS in college depending on your age. The latter isn’t as big of a jump but easily many multiples.
Yeah, I can start investing all none of the money I’d had in college
Did you have a PC in 2010?
While I could easily get more than $10mil with my current knowledge (assuming I go back in time to 6yrs old), I would not have the same wife or child as I do now, and there’s no way I’ll give them up, so I’ll just take the $10mil now .
Wait like restart as in go back in time to the year I was 6 or restart as in become a 6 year old in 2024. Because if it’s the former hell yeah stocks, bitcoin, sports betting back to the future style. If it’s the latter fuck that.
That indeed is an important question. You can surpass the 10mm offering. Having your cake and eating it too.
Even if 2024, think how much smarter and further ahead of your peers you’d be:
- you’re now at the head of the class
- you job hunt, network, save like a pro
- you’re the most mature person in the room
- you get to live like a young person again (something I’d pay a lot to do)
Downsides: never meet my partner and kids, gotta do the whole no-income thing again for a while
Given the world’s current political and environmental state. I’m not sure it’ll be around in 10 years except maybe in a mad max form.
Plus who would be your parents? You’d have to be interested with a current one. That’s a huge risk, also.
I’m thinking the situation would be, you would be reverting to 6 year old you in 2024, living with your spouse and kids… at that point I think I would be fine
Asking the right questions. People in here could be in for a rude awakening. Morpheus never said anything about time travel.
WYR have $10M or be a 6 year old undocumented orphan, unrecognised by everyone you knew
It’s clearly go back in time
The choice is
- $10M cash right now; or
- Practically infinite money, but you have to relive childhood
Red pill.
While I could retire right now with the blue pill, I wouldn’t be happy.
Red pill means I could spend more time and cultivate a better relationships with the people who actually matter to me. I’d spend a lot more time with my great grandparents.
I could also focus on being true to who I am and not being who I thought others wanted. Basically be who I was in college… But now at 6.
Of course, I could make all the right investments to make a lot of money.
I wouldn’t want to just go into the same career. While I might for a while, honestly I’d have the knowledge and money to take a run at a political career.
Also get your preferred user name on every online service created after you turned 6
I hadn’t thought of that, but it’s genius.
No brainer. Restart at 6 years old. Time is priceless.
Red pill all the way. Personal experience gains to be had. Also of course there is the prospect of crypto billionairedom.
Depending on your starting point there’s a lot better opportunities out there that are less vulnerable to losing it all to a random hacker.
I’m not saying I won’t be buying real estate in San Francisco, Magic The Gathering cards, and shares in big tech, but a solid backbone of 1000x value bitcoin is hard to beat on multiples.
Many of us are tech nerds. We know that those who lost bitcoin to hacks trusted coin exchanges too much.
The people who kept their wallet offline are fine Those who kept their wallet in the cloud are poor
Actually bitcoin on a physical harddrive purchased at $50 or below stored in a safety deposit box is pretty ironclad.
Bitrot might get you. printed out paper codes as a backup
Spinning hard drives last for decades. You can pretty absolutely protect yourself by storing two with multiple copies of the key each
They are succeptible to magnetic degradation, its why you go to open a jpeg from 8 years ago and some are suddenly corrupt. You have to leave them in a RAID setup with sonething self healing like ZFS. They are way more reliable than cold storage SSD ( which can start bitrot in as little as a month) but for cold storage magnetic tape is better
Tape is just as susceptible to magnets, though it is a more stable medium. It’s not like they’ll be exposed to significant magnetic fields though
That was a lot more difficult before BIP39 seed phrases were invented. You could of course write down anything, but there would’ve been a lot of room for error.
Since we get all the information we have now: the correct answer was Bitcoin Armory. You’d have a dedicated computer just for signing transactions, carried back and forth over flash drives.
Red pill effectively kills your current spouse and kids if you have any. Also trying to re-engineer the relationship with your original spouse all over again seems like it’d be really creepy. If you go back, you effectively need to find someone else. Couldn’t do that.
The kid won’t exist. The spouse will be fine, though maybe not with you
Sure, but you’re throwing away your current spouse and kid in favor of a do over. That’s pretty cold.
Is it unethical to leave a partner? Should we censure Paul Simon for 50 ways to leave your lover?
(Not addressing the kid bit, since it does seem a tad cold to unexistify someone for little fault of their own, also no one but you mentioned kids)
I mean if you were going to divorce your partner, then by all means take the red pill. You’d probably both be better off then. I was speaking of presumably happy marriages.
I guess if you’re in the perfect partnership you and your partner could simultaneously take the red pill :)
Oh hell no, I don’t want to go through school again. Teenagers are horrible to each other.
I’m not sure if people here realize this, but the interest from $10m is approximately four to eight hundred thousand dollars per year.
So, with ten million, one could instantly retire and never ever have to work again.
That’s priceless freedom to me, and it wouldn’t require deleting almost all of my friends, relationships, experiences, and who I am.
There’s a fuck ton that I would know is coming and have absolutely no way of stopping. That is fucking hell.
There’s nearly 0% odds I end up with the same wife and kids twice and I hit the jackpot the first time around. Give me the money.
It would be so creepy trying for the same partner. So much of relationship building is learning about each other and you’ll never be surprised by their side of those conversations
But with enough money you can buy a better kid!