• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Arch is great, but it needs longer explanations considering the user needs to do a lot more. Sometimes you find them, but other times you find a snarky superuser with zero people skills.

    It’s a shame they aren’t government standard, so I could take a local course to become a snarky superuser too.

    Most of it involves everyday Linux usages, but some of it is specific to Arch and it breaks so hard. It’s not a great thing when you’re stupid busy and don’t have the headroom to get to the bottom of it. Sometimes all you get is vague theories on how a fix might occur. After that you’re playing shell games trying to debug your problems.

    Definitely recommend for pro-Linux people that have a breakable laptop that can go on the backburner.

  • I used to have a plugin that mapped how many companies were getting data from the website I was on. I’m not sure if it still exists.

    One eye opener that’s easily accessible is going into their Facebook third party data agreements. If it’s not turned off they’ll probably be shocked about how permissive the data is. Just visiting a website can result in a Facebook agreement to share data with that company. It’s one of the reasons apps suddenly know random things you were just talking to somebody about. It gets keyed up instantly and they start that whole analysis of shadow profiles stuff industry experts talk about.

  • You get dragged back to Windows by a lot of employers and schools. Nobody has time to fight the system when everything depends on your Windows based outputs.

    Microsoft specifically engages and sponsors technology in governments around the world for this reason. Their whole schtick is ‘embrace’.