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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That is a good point.
    On the flip side, they’re not largely selling something that has any physical finiteness to it anymore, and the sales volumes have increased drastically, resulting in significantly higher profits despite a smaller inflation adjusted unit cost.

    The cost of a good decreasing as an industry matures feels right. Jello cost 23¢ a box in 1940. Adjusted for inflation it should cost $5.17 a box now, but it’s only $1.59.
    When there’s 2 games to buy, they can be justifiably more expensive than when there’s a massive surplus.
    The games are different, but it’s not like consumers can’t find a different one they’ll also enjoy if the first one they look at is too expensive.

    Inflation has made $60 less valuable, but they’re not selling to the same market that they were 30 years ago either.
    It’s hard to use inflation to justify raising prices or adding exploitative features when you’re already seeing higher inflation adjusted profits due to a larger more accessible market, lower risk due to reduced publishing overhead, and more options for consumers, which would be expected to bring prices down.

  • There’s literally an approved solution to the problem designed explicitly to solve the problem.

    Install a transfer switch so you can disconnect utility power, switch to your generator and people can see the situation at the breaker.

    If you don’t have one, you use something called an “extension cord” to run power to your important devices for the duration of the outage.
    If you don’t know how to power a few appliances with a generator and some extension cords, you definitely shouldn’t be thinking you can use a dangerous cable that people who do know you should never use in the first place.

  • Yes, you minimize risk by being prudent and using reasonable and cost effective safety measures.

    In a car, that’s things like seatbelts, airbags, and other safety features.

    The equivalent for powering your house with a generator is the aforementioned transfer switch.

    What you’re doing is saying that driving a car without seatbelts or airbags is perfectly safe, you just need to not get in an accident.

    Stop powering your house with a generator plugged in via the dumbest possible cable and just install a fucking transfer switch. They’re not expensive and it keeps you from needlessly endangering people, or even just having a preposterously dangerous cord laying around.

  • Yup, I would definitely agree more with what you’re saying here than what I understood from above.
    It definitely takes willpower to lose weight, and you definitely need to learn to identify why you’re eating and break those habits you don’t want, which also takes willpower.
    I would characterize boredom/stress/comfort eating differently than hunger, since there’s the distinction between “want to eat” and “feel hungry”.

    Whatever your reason is for wanting to eat, you need to handle it. If it’s boredom, you can use willpower to push through chips being more interesting than the show you’re watching, ideally by doing something else.
    If you want to eat because you’re hungry, there isn’t a way to handle that beyond eating. So the smart move is to make choices about what and how you eat so that feeling stays away longer, which goes a long way towards helping to break the habit of feeling like you’re “supposed” to eat more often than you need to.

    I think you’re initial comment came across much stronger than I see it is now, and we’re actually very close in terms opinion. :)

  • Precisely. And to be entirely clear: it will always take willpower and motivation to lose weight. Your body is thought to have a sort of target weight that it wants you to be at all else being equal. If it were effortless to maintain a healthy weight, it would be because that’s where your body was pushing you to be.

    The key is not to be stronger than your body, but to work with it. Use your finite supply of willpower on things like “making a healthy shopping list and not deviating from it”.
    Instead of insisting you need to “not be lazy” and always cook a healthy meal at home, be realistic and accept that sometimes you’ll be tired and have a lazy dinner option that’s a better choice than pizza.
    Buy apples instead of Oreos, so that when you feel hungry between meals it isn’t a choice between feeling hungry and eating a sleeve of Oreos, but just eating an apple. You’ll feel more full after the apple than after 20 times more calories in Oreos. If you choose to be hungry, you’ll be aware of being hungry and food in general until you eat, which will likely either make you fail hard, or eat more at the next meal because food is more appealing when you’re hungry.
    It can also take a lot of motivation to work through which desires to eat are hunger, which are boredom and which are, of all things, thirst. Eating is a source of dopamine, and so if you’re bored “food” is an easy source of entertainment (your body is so dumb that just chewing is often enough for it, hence “gum” is pleasant). Sometimes your body asks for sugar when what it needs is water.

    “You” don’t control what “you” want, you just get to figure out how to get it. A deeper, vastly stupider, part just shouts vague demands you get to act on. “WATER. FOOD. <GENDER> SEX. SLEEP. SCARED. BORED.” it doesn’t stop shouting if you ignore it. So use your willpower to give it what it wants in the healthier but more difficult way, and to make doing so a habit that it won’t veto.

    And that’s before you get to things that need a medical intervention in addition to behavioral.
    If your pancreas or hypothalamus have decided to be shits, there’s absolutely no amount of willpower that can regulate things.

  • That’s a more complicated topic. Not everyone’s endocrine system is wired the same way, and you can’t always just willpower your way through it.

    Insistence that willpower is sufficient for weight regulation is a big cause of people going on diet after diet that just doesn’t work. They’re fighting against the system that has a disproportionate influence on what you want in the first place, and if you push it too far you find yourself not giving a shit about your diet, and then being filled with a slew of complex feelings coming from your “lack of self control”.

    It’s better to direct that energy towards getting your diet compositionally right than trying to be okay just being hungry.

    You can’t get your body to stop insisting it needs food, but you can get it to insist less often. You can teach it that it doesn’t need “SUGAR”, it needs water and maybe an apple or banana. You can give it a little solid protein between meals to keep it from asking for a continuous stream of carbs.
    You can learn to identify the difference between eating because you’re bored or want a little dopamine, and eating because you’re hungry. The first one is your brain and you can willpower through it to eventually unlearn the habit.

    You can choose to make good choices at the store instead of failing to make them in the kitchen.

    Willpower is critical, but it’s important to know what you can or cannot actually solve with it and work within that framework.
    You’re in control of your body, but that doesn’t mean that you need to pick the harder path.

    And, for some people, their endocrine system is a lot more forgiving. Those usually aren’t the people who have a lot of trouble loosing or keeping off weight because they try to just “eat less” and it works.

  • Most of them are mediocre. Most burger places were mediocre, and then the American gastropub trend saw burgers being made nice as opposed to diner food or bar food. They could also charge more money because they were making nicer food.

    Eventually a bunch of the mediocre places shifted to try to also be nice, but mostly just increased prices, changed decor, and started using the word aioli more than mayo. Oh, and pretzel buns on burgers that got taller without being bigger and are cumbersome to eat.

    In the plus side, if you like a Swiss burger with a garlic aioli, a burger with a fried egg on it, or a burger with 2 pieces of bacon, a spicy BBQ sauce, and fried onion strings and you’re in the mood for some fries with bits of peel on them and a garlic Parmesan butter, then you know exactly what they’re going to put in from of you and exactly what it’ll taste like.

    Mediocre. Not bad, but definitely not the best you’ve ever had.

  • Someone near him has recorded it on their phone if he has, and is just walking around numbly aware that they have the Nixon tapes sitting in their pocket.

    They’re using tap to pay, and having the stark reminder that they just bought a sandwich with something that could change the election be on the news for 30 minutes because no one expects him not to drop a hard N in casual conversation so it’s not as noteworthy as a woman politician laughing in public.