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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You aren’t giving us enough information to even speculate the answer. Are these Enterprise grade servers in a datacenter? Are these home made servers with consumer or low grade hardware you’re calling servers? Are they in the same datacenter or do they go out to the Internet? What exists between the hops on the network? Is the latency consistent? What is the quality of both sides of the connection? Fiber? Wi-Fi? Mobile? Satellite?

    Does it drop too nothing or just settle into a constant slower speed? What have you tried to trouble shoot? Is it only rsync or do other tests between the hosts show the same behavior?

    Give us more and you might get some help. If these hosts are Linux I would start with iperf to do a more scientific test. And report to us some more info.

  • Probably not 30k. Maybe closer to 5-10k depending when he bought it and how. Second hand stuff can be real cheap, whereas brand new server gear costs an arm and a leg so it could be 30k+ if he bought most of it new. The real cost is the amount of time it has taken to configure it all and get it working well, which I can attest can be a boatload of time.

    My setup is maybe a bit more overkill and I’ve probably spent closer to 30k, especially once you factor in storage, nearly all of the server equipment second hand. You know you’ve gone overboard when you’re talking about running 100gbit to more rooms, you have a categorization system for keeping the compatible sfp modules and cabling organized, and needing a second whole 42u rack with a couple in service servers on chairs waiting for said rack.