• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Even if, we are talking about the Linux kernel. Our entire ecosystem builds upon C. People choosing C for new projects because it is the common denominator.

    If Rust should be adopted in the kernel faster, patches should be send which comment how each line addresses issues of memory management solved and elaborations for rust specific patterns unfamiliar to a C dev.

    Lurkers will pick up Rust that way as well.

    Each Rust dev had to pick it up and therefore should be able to enable other - probably more experienced - Linux kernel hacker to provide reviewable patches.

    It shouldn’t be the other way around, else you are just stepping on the efforts the other human provided to that project.

  • I run debian on an x13s. I would not recommend it if you are an average tux member.

    My recommendation would be to wait for the first devices from manufactures like tuxedo and the snapdragon elite x. And every device may have its own quirks, so wait for reviews.

    It was a hard time. I daily drive it but it still remains unpolished.

    A beginner linux friend of mine had an apple air m1. He ran linux on it but decided to ditch it for a framework. So i assume milage depends on your capabilities. I wouldn’t go that route and instead opted one and a half years ago for that lenovo device.

    It has the best chassis I ever owned but the usability is limited. E.g.: Since Kernel 6.8 I now have to issue su -c “echo start > /some/module/thingy/mode” after each start to get external monitor, sound and battery working. Had to manually research this in IRC logs.

    My two cents.

  • Hehe. You came from a different direction. My main point is that reading, thinking and contributing in Swift is more familiar with the majority of developers. Currently.

    Swift usage is largely isolated to Apple’s ecosystem, which doesn’t have a ton of overlap with the open-source ecosystem.

    I agree that the usage is isolated and it is not represented in the FOSS community. And I am not an advocate for doing so. Though it is compatible and if it is a possible alternative it can be considered. If you compare it to other Syntax it is reading very easily and you can pick it up in 20 Minutes. They could even require to explicilty use type annotations to further aid accessibility for possible contributors or audits.

    … creating libraries which can be called from virtually any other language, like you can with C and C++. Which means you’re not locked into the Rust/Apple/whatever ecosystem …

    Let’s agree that a lock-in should not be dependend on the implementation language. There are other implications on the build which may arise. I am neither familiar with rust nor Swift. Comparing implications for building and linking can’t be compared by me on a professional level.

    I further - without research - call out that Rust comes with implications on either library implementation or linkable procedures for an author in order to link to it. Neglecting thinks like nested interop between host/implementation language here.

    But even if Rust was the most overhyped garbage, it would still be garbage that people are familiar with. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Two things: Every developer I have met in person whishes to get some project in Rust. No one has seriously started pushing or even learned it thoroughly. Second point: I didn’t called it garbage! The language as it is awesome. I don’t like its readability and its packaging.

    When I read Rust sources it isn’t fluent in my inner mind. Sure it is due to familiarity but I would also argue that the over-expressiveness kills reading speed as well. Though that should be inspected by more objective and competent people though.

  • Google Docs does not integrate in the typical European (or German) company and can not be deployed on premise.

    If you can not control the update path (besides other obv. shortcomings) of the product it is already in a bad light when considering within an enterprise environment.

    Since the AI rush I now encounter American software named alongside in requirements like:

    “isn’t an american, russian or chinese product”. These requirements are stated by lawyers and product owners explicitly beforehand.

  • Clarify?

    You suggested that one can change user agents, once (and here is room for debate) firefox is not working properly. At least this is what I carry around from our convo!


    Yeah, because you still managed to propagate assumptions which may be hard to reason about objectively.

    pocket already exists to push ads down my throat, should I wish it to ;)

    That’s about available sources. But I agree that just 5% of articles within their topics do not force cookies. If Mozilla would reside in the EU Pocket would have much higher quality (since I think to recall these sources are hand picked).

  • More nonsense.

    Is everything you put up to address my comment.

    I did use a text browser. But you apparently fail their purpose. I pipe <html/> into it so that I can’t be fooled by such propaganda-spitting guys… (…).

    … fascist platforms that aren’t …

    You implied bad about me, so I reason this post with that.

    … changing your useragent …

    Sounds harder than triggering a flag for a feature which aims at serving you, the user.

    Your next sentence, minus the next propaganda, makes me wonder:

    This is pointless hypothetical FUD with little existing precedence (…) so you can find a way to not hold Mozilla accountable for being a shit platform that’s supporting ad culture again.

    By “This” you mean the topic? I already prompted you my point of view; You didn’t address it. You falsely accuse Mozilla of pushing advertisements down ones throat. Obv. wrong. This undermines my point which I made in order to aid your shortcomings I saw.

  • If a revenue stream breaks just with one browser, deny access of this browser.

    This obv. would render firefox impractical over time and therefore irrelevant.

    Yes, there are free websites and apps. But you may have to ask yourself why or how these sites keep going.

    So while yes - ads can be shown - the user decides if he wants to engage further with the site at hand.

    There are ad blockers as plugins for firefox.

    My point is: We shouldnt point at mozilla and blame them. They try to align interests I suppose. And I trust them with the anonymous data - I could even check it within its sources if I wanted.

  • vim is more then simple file editing.

    • netrw (interactive file manager)
    • copen/lopen (windows to connect, e.g. external programs)
    • :global, %s/, etc. which form text manipulation language (from editor ed, I guess)
    • args & argsdo (multi-file editing)
    • filetype (hooks for the user)
    • ctrl_X completion modes
    • motion (fluent & with jumplist to walk forward/backwardl
    • undotree (persisting, unlimited, timebased - on-demand)
    • macros (record and replay keypress)
    • romainl (awesome community member)

    vim for one-time tasks at work. When people are proposing to script something, I open buffers, normalize the data and filter the results. I think in vim and I would very, very much recommend it, if you work with data or are a dev.

  • I can’t honestly recall or put my finger on it what I did wrong.

    Choose fedora because it used my laptop subwoofer and wasn’t a rolling release. I remember each time (x2) reading about how to update the distro and each time my system was completely borked. I went to debian, read upon alsa, made my subwoofer work with a homegrown script and never looked back.

    To this day I am wondering if people recommending redhat are trolls or paid.