
notated as

“constant performativity, brand management, status seeking” ;P

☞ “Information wants to be free”

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • what’s interesting about android is that you can tweak the device to your needs. You’re not limited to the only solution your os designers/developers invented.

    don’t like the keyboard? install another one. You need a particular gesture or button? install it, modify it. change the launcher. change your app store

    it’s your first week and you’re searching for all these solutions at the same time and it’s probably frustrating. Give it some time and you would find them.

    convincing friends and family to use signal is a challenge even for android users. (majority uses WhatsApp :/

  • https://framacarte.org

    english ☞ https://framacarte.org/abc/en/

    The economy of your attention The Framacarte is free, without ads or click traps. Our goal is to host a tool that serves you and does not use you. Contrary to the adage, here, you are not the product.

    Controlling your data Framasoft collects as little data as possible. You have complete autonomy over it. We have no interest in tracking your behaviour, nor in exploiting it.

    Respecting your freedoms Framacarte is based a Free-libre software¹. Its code is transparent, publicly auditable and there are no hidden features. It is built by the community, and everyone is free to fork it and lead the project in new directions.

  • The “experimentation” of Algorithmic Video-Surveillance (AVS) within the framework set by the “Olympic Games” law passed last year by the French Parliament is not an experiment at all: it is nothing more than a hypocritical maneuver designed to legalize, through small steps, a police infrastructure already massively deployed in France. To counter this strategy, La Quadrature du Net is launching a campaign aimed at fueling popular opposition to AVS, a technology based on Artificial Intelligence that amounts to a constant, automated monitoring of public spaces and marks a historic turning point in state surveillance. A complaint has also been lodged with the French data protection authority, the CNIL, as a way of denouncing the hypocrisy of the AVS promoters and pointing out the negligence of the personal data protection authority.

    La surveillance bâtit son empire

    Les Jeux Olympiques vont nous laisser la surveillance de masse en héritage. En instrumentalisant cet évènement, le gouvernement a autorisé l’utilisation de la vidéosurveillance algorithmique (VSA) jusqu’en 2025 pour des situations qui dépassent largement le cadre cette compétition sportive. Ces logiciels, qui analysent les images de vidéosurveillance et envoient automatiquement des alertes à la police, sont déployés depuis des années en France en toute illégalité, sans que jamais les responsables n’aient été inquiétés. L’hypocrisie est donc totale. En légalisant quelques usages de VSA, l’État souhaite légitimer un état de fait et amorcer un projet de surveillance bien plus large de l’espace public.

    texte complète

  • mull: Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 172,086 tested in the past 45 days.

    firefox focus: Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 172,099 tested in the past 45 days.

    tor: Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 86045.5 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

    tor after enabling “request English versions of web pages for enhanced privacy”: Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 57368.0 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

    tor with safest security level: Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 823.48 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

    mull after changing android region to United States: Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 12294.86 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

    changing region doesn’t effect tor, as unlike mull it doesn’t leak system information