• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • If you mean for picking which distro you like, assuming you don’t want something unique like qubes or nixos the only thing that really matters is DE and package manager, everything else you can install/uninstall as you see fit (if you really want to you can change the DE yourself too)

    Every Debian based distro is the same operating system underneath with different stuff installed, every redhat based system is the same story

    That said certain distros come with a lot more pre installed that you probably want (for example the zip command)

  • I don’t really get the obsession a lot of people seem to have with trying to push Linux on people who are content with windows

    It’s great for technical people who actually understand the reasons to use it but I really doubt switching to Linux even if it works perfectly and never breaks down (which it probably won’t) will it really be a net positive effect on the lives of non technical users.

    To repeat the same thing everyone always says if all they’re using is a browser they could be using any OS, but at that point windows serves them perfectly well and doesn’t require the local nerd’s help when they want to edit an image or something

  • Package management in central is a bit of an issue. I think nix has the right approach where it’s incredibly difficult to create a package that won’t work on x system. I think appimage flatpak and snap all work in a similar way

    Pip is a right pain in the arse though, if I had a nickel for every time a pip install has failed for some specific package with an esoteric error message…

  • The working out analogy is great, everyone with a technical job involving computers probably should keep a Linux machine, switching to it has skyrocketed my knowledge on computers in general

    It’s difficult though, I would compare daily driving it with cycling into work instead of driving, it’s fun and good for you but constant effort