I don’t think there’s much of a point unless person A actually wants to make a change in their habits. It’s like trying to convince someone to switch to Linux.
I don’t think there’s much of a point unless person A actually wants to make a change in their habits. It’s like trying to convince someone to switch to Linux.
How is it possible that it draws 100W at idle? What is it even doing?
After using Proton for a couple years I’ve come around to the POV that private email is a dead end. There was not a single occasion where the sender or recipient of any email was also using encryption. If I want encrypted comms I use Signal. Instead of Pass I went back to using Bitwarden.
The combination of AI, crypto wallet and CEO’s pro-MAGA comments (all within six months or so!) are why I quit Proton. They’ve completely lost the plot. I just want a reliable email service and file storage.
Pretty rich coming from Proton, who shoved a LLM into their mail client mere months ago.
WSL will truly be the “Windows Subsystem for Linux”, as foretold in the prophecy.
JFC, this is terrifying:
The view of young people and TikTok users is particularly frightening at fundamental scientific findings.
For example, only 71 percent of those under 29 years old agree that vaccines have helped save millions of lives. Among TikTok users, the approval is even lower with 69 percent. More than 20 percent of young people, and around a quarter of all TikTok users, even openly doubt this decades-long insight.
Young people and the population as a whole seem to be shockingly agreed on the issue of climate change alone: only 64 percent of respondents and 67 percent of young people agree that climate change is caused by human activities. Among TikTok users, it is only a little more than half.
And the corona pandemic also remains a source of conspiracy theories. A quarter of the total population agrees with the statement that the pandemic was deliberately created by governments or elites in order to be able to control the population more. This dangerous narrative seems to be particularly widespread on TikTok: there, almost 44 percent of users agree with it.
I don’t owe you anything, and your sophistry is embarrassing. Why would Trump refer to his people’s blood being poisoned by immigrants if he didn’t consider immigrants inherently inferior? Do you consider labeling other ethnicities as being poisonous to be a neutral statement?
Give me a fucking break. This is from the preamble to the Nuremberg Laws:
purity of German blood is the essential condition for the continued existence of the German people
And Trump:
They let — I think the real number is 15, 16 million people into our country. When they do that, we got a lot of work to do. They’re poisoning the blood of our country. […] They’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”
As far as I can tell Trump can only be deemed a Nazi by association - he’s not been going around spouting stuff about people’s races making them superior or inferior to others like an ethno-Fascist
Trump says immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country” https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-says-immigrants-are-poisoning-blood-country-biden-campaign-liken-rcna130141
He also said Democrats are corrupt and that the GOP is the party that represents the little guy. At worst, he’s MAGA. At best, he’s a credulous buffoon who shouldn’t be running a company that vulnerable people use to protect themselves.
It feels like it would be a bit like IBM working with Hitler and saying “well he’s right on this one specific policy issue.”
“As the owner of an asphalt company, I think this new Reichskanzler’s autobahn-building initiative is fantastic!”
I use Filen, and unlike Proton they have a Linux app.
Meloni certainly has a whiff of fascism to her but in a chaotic, haphazard way — sort of a Muskian case-by-case fascism rather than anything coherent.
I know this was a throwaway comment:
a country that still hasn’t managed to shed all the fascism it obtained during the World War II years.
But it shows the author doesn’t know much about Italy, and may be surprised to learn they nearly elected a communist government in the 70s.
Lead gen spam in particular is the bane of my existence for the past year. I get 4-5 per day. If you’re so good at getting qualified leads for others, why are you spamming random recipients for yourself?
I use Arch derivatives for all my computers but my media server runs Ubuntu Server because it’s low maintenance. For storage I use a USB 2x HDD docking station (one of those where you just stick the HDD upright in it).
You can do that, or you can install Cachy or Bazzite and not have to take any extra steps, not to mention if you need to you have community support from people who are overwhelmingly using it for the same purpose as you rather than greybeards who never leave emacs. I’m not anti-Debian, but for a first-time Linux gamer it really isn’t a great recommendation.
Sounds like a shitty bank.