• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • where screen/input devices can freely stream any system/OS from a dedicated server.

    I experimented with that, you can kinda do it with Android and an Android emulator. It was decent on the local network, ok with good cellular signal, and terrible when cellular wasn’t the greatest

  • With T-Mobiles JUMP program you can just turn on your phone and they wipe out the remaining EIP in exchange for the new EIP each year (and for awhile every 6 months). If the new phone is not more expensive then your bill doesn’t change at all, if the new phone is cheaper then the bill goes down. They refurbish and resell the turned in phones, which also means the catch is you have to keep the phone in good condition.

    I upgraded every year, then broke the tradition for my current longest streak of 2.5 years with the OnePlus 8T because no other phones excited me except for the Foldy phones, but at the time only the Samshit folds were available on TMO so I waited for the then rumored Pixel Fold. (OnePlus stopped selling in all Carrier stores in the US during this time, so noe OnePlus Open for me :( )

    I have resumed the tradition as I am awaiting my delivery of my Pixel 9 Pro Fold tomorrow lol

    It’s honestly been a fun journey that started with the Nexus One

    Then to the Motorola Backflip (Cool phone, miss it dearly)

    To one of the first phones with a fingerprint scanner (Motorola Atrix 4G, it was called a “gimmick that wouldn’t last” at the time LMAO)

    To the Nexus 4

    To one of the first waterproof phones in the US, my beloved Sony Xperia Z which then broke 6 months later (think I dropped it) which led to the Nexus 5

    To my first and LAST Samshit phone the Galaxy S5 (Which I hated and upgraded away from as soon as I could)

    To the Nexus 6 and then 6P when the “Phablet Wars” started,

    To the OnePlus 3T (one of the only phones I bought outright)

    To the second phone in the US to sport a “shatterproof” screen, the Moto Z2 Force (pretty fun phone, I tossed that thing around like crazy lol)

    To the OnePlus 6T (Iirc the first phone they started selling in carrier stores) which led to the 7T and then 8T which led to the “Great Waiting” of 2.5 years for Google to hurry the fuck up with their Pixel Fold

    To the Pixel Fold and now finally, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold

    Lots of firsts, and experimentation in that list, lots of memories, root experiments, custom kernels, over clocking, pushed most of those phones to their limits in the year I had them. Hell, I would have probably been among the first with a Foldy phone if it wasn’t for the fact the first foldys were Samshits…

  • What in the fuck‽ It’s true


    However, Dr. Varnick seeks large-skulled dogs such as St. Bernards for an ammunition test.

    Under the guise of doing a follow-up exam on Beethoven, Varnick visits the Newton home. After applying fake blood onto his arm and Beethoven, Varnick provokes Beethoven into a fight and convinces George that the dog attacked him, but Emily protests that the attack was fake. Varnick warns George that Beethoven may be turning aggressive and must be put to sleep, or he will have no choice but to press charges.

    But also, what dumb fucks, if they really wanted to test fancy ammo they could use bears or similar. Fuckers have some THICC skulls

  • First of all, the mere death or killing of an animal isn’t immoral or wrong or murder, it’s simply the way of life in the animal world. The animal world knows nothing of morals and ethics, this very discussion is a wholly unnatural and human unique thing to have. Do you call a lion a murderer when it hunts down and eats a zebra?

    Second, a direct immoral action is worse because it involves a clear, intentional act that directly causes harm. In contrast, buying meat is far less worse because a) it’s more like paying someone to solve a problem for you who doesn’t tell you how they solve it and in turn pays someone else who in turn pays someone else who in turn pays the actual person/company taking the action who in turn is spending millions upon millions to keep the majority of people thinking “Everything is fine, no abuse here” and b) the mere consumption of meat isn’t immoral, like I said its just how the animal kingdom works it’s natural. But rather the way that meat is made, the conditions the animals are subjected to that are immoral and wrong.

  • Well I mean the loud/extremist vegan minority are quick to call meat eaters as abusers (“rapist enablers” even because we’ll drink milk a “rapist” (farmer) got from a cow) just for eating meat, even though most of us are far removed from the entire process.

    But here they are, making a direct immoral action to force their chosen diet on another being who in all likelihood would NOT choose themselves. And that’s on top of the fact they should probably not have a pet at all based on their strict interpretation of vegan.

    Nah, they deserve the call out.

    This entire drama has had me thinking about that one talk show clip that has a vegan guest and was talking about how their dog “Is totally vegan now and won’t even choose meat if it’s in front of her”. When the hosts tested the dog by bringing out a vegan dish and a meat dish, the dog devoured the meat dish lmao

  • Straw Man Fallacy: A straw man fallacy occurs when someone misrepresents an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of addressing the actual issue, the person creates a distorted version of the argument that is easier to discredit.

    This is what you have done in every single reply you made when I have made it quite clear that this is about the migration being an urgent security issue that the cyber security community at large has been calling attention to.

    You avoid all the core points I make and distort them into trivial things that you can easily argue, like the fact that you “Don’t code C much and use Rust occasionally”. It’s irrelevant to the actual arguments and you use it to dismiss the real core issues AKA a Straw Man fallacy

    You have failed to argue in good faith and are actually a part of the problem. Good job!