• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Fuck Sony for so many large and small things.

    I remember being able to stream my media library from my pc to my Xbox 360 in 2007. Still can’t do shit like that on Playstation in 2024. They couldn’t even be bothered to give us themes for 2 gen’s or folders for a long time.

    Those are just random gripes. There’s endless others. Sony is run by morons.

  • Having played every single FC game, I think FC5 was the worst in the series. It’s so bland and loses everything that made the series fun, including exotic locale.

    I think Blood Dragon is the best overall, and FC4 is the next best for gameplay. FC3 is great, but people overrate it and either didn’t play it or don’t remember it. Vaas isn’t even the main boss. He’s a sub-boss and you literally only see him like 3 times. I think Hurk has more development than Vaas.

    FC2 is an underrated gem I wish people would have patience for, cause for all it’s frustrations and faults, no other FC is what FC2 was trying to be, and it’s such a unique experience.

    The original premise was “you set out to accomplish something and everything keeps going wrong.” FC2 does this better than any of the others.

    My biggest consistent gripe with the series is the lack of main boss development. They tease the shit out of the main enemy every time, but it winds up being barely a part of the story. I wish there was more character development and buildup to the end. But ultimately, FC is about the gameplay, kind of like Just Cause. We’re hardly there for the story.

    Also FC6 was excellent and a massive improvement in fun over FC5. I don’t care what most people say.

    FC1 campaign was not fun, but building and sharing custom maps on Instincts Predator on Xbox 360 back then was so much fun.

  • Exactly. They aren’t big enough to do both separately?

    It makes me think of Bethesda. I don’t understand why, but they act like they can only make one game at a time. So like if they’re busy making a Fallout game, then they can’t possibly begin on an Elder Scrolls game.

    They act like some tiny studio and they don’t have the resources to have multiple studios working on multiple things concurrently. So their games will take forever to be released. And even then, the games will be buggy as hell.

  • “When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol’ Jack Burton always says at a time like that: ‘Have ya paid your dues, Jack?’ Yessir, the check is in the mail."