“More presidential.”
“More presidential.”
I personally like the theory that they caught him using five eyes data, and skip the step where they write “US citizen” in the transcripts
“ let’s get you a scrum-rifle and see what you can do to improve your stats.”
Well, clearly you are not a bot on reddit then.
Adam something is such a strange name, too.
I would suspect it’s a humility issue. It’s a constant challenge, for me at least, to be vulnerable about my weaknesses and not be bull-rushed by other men seeing an opportunity to push me down. Fortunately I’m the boss now, so I can set an example that I can be wrong and trust others to say I’m right, or step back and admit a weakness that another can cover.
We’re going to break the table into two teams: team 1 will research the value of the asteroid for space construction, and team 2 will research the fees we can charge world governments not to accidentally drop the asteroid on their country.
We need to shore up all the porn instances for the coming wave of users - it only makes sense that’s what they’d wall off.
They’re probably against the exploitation associated with it. I’d compare it to being against diamonds due to the bloody conflicts associated with them.
Workshop this with me, passporn or pornport? Porn pass?
Did you ride the full 8 on the taser, or did they make you do the instructor 100 seconds?
I’d agree the 100 looks horrible, give me the spray in that case.
I did medical support for cop trainees in texas doing the same thing. I appreciate making them experience it before they did it.
I didn’t catch the name of that great parental control service, could you say it again?
They… will… use the penis to quarter military forces?
Has anyone here ever had sex in a canoe? I can only imagine the logistics of laying down enough life preservers to make it comfortable, and any sidewards motions should be right out unless you want to turn this into skinny dipping. I guess you could use the momentum to your advantage to get some good thrusts in, but really, has the bottom of a canoe ever smelled sexy?
Just something to think about.
I’d like to check in as part of the problem; I pay for google ads and I show up at the top of certain search screens. I’m in a small local market, and google is primed to make about $350,000 off about $3mm of work this year if things keep up the way they are. We have no choice but to play the game to reach our consumers. Sorry guys.
He’s Zorg from the 5th Element.
Go home, Texas, you’re drunk.
I mean Tim, if you wanted me to stop using maps you could have just asked, you didn’t need to insert ads.