Why don’t you care about any of the people in America?
As a disabled person living off federal benefits, with a transgender girlfriend living in a red state, I’m literally got skin in the game personally, so don’t tell me that I don’t care about people living in America. The problem is there is an active genocide going on and the Biden adminstration, including Kamala, are supporting it.
If you think the parties are the same on foreign policy but the Democrats are better on all the thing I mentioned, doesn’t that still mean the Democrats are less terrible?
I dont think they are materially better on the things you mentioned on the federal level as I mentioned in another post. The best they’ve done is nice sounding words. Another thing you forgot to mention btw is immigration, on which Biden has somehow managed to be materailly worse than Trump lmao. So theres that too.
and I would very much like to have an option that wasn’t, but I don’t, do I? I have to chose between the options given, and as bad as they are they’re clearly the less bad option.
You have options that aren’t that and they all involve doing literally any political thing other than voting. I literally don’t care if you decide to vote for Kamala, especially if you live in a swing state. Just please, god, take your eye off electorialism because it won’t save us.
Whether you like it or not they don’t see your vote as an endorsement of the marginal differences, they see it as an endrosement of everything they’re doing, including that genocide thats going on.