I think prefer my memes to be generally funny, instead of angry and political
I think prefer my memes to be generally funny, instead of angry and political
As an example, I made a spreadsheet that queried WoW’s auction house API and showed me items, their crafting components, prices and profits from crafting, that was then easily interactable and extendable in the GUI. Doing the same thing in python would have been great up until the point where I want to display the information… getting python to output a proper front end GUI is definitely a more time consuming exercise than using Excel’s built in functionality
As a user of advanced excel features like Power Query and even its plethora of built in functions, LibreOffice Calc just doesn’t hold up at all. It lacks all beyond the most basic table features
It’s worth noting that cannabis was the least addictive of the substances analyzed in this study, almost a third as likely as alchohol:
The cumulative probability estimate of transition to dependence was 67.5% for nicotine users, 22.7% for alcohol users, 20.9% for cocaine users, and 8.9% for cannabis users.
CDC rounding 8.9% up to 10% seems a bit suspicious to me
I did a private wedding with just my wife, photographer, beautiful venue for $600