radiowaves are free, radio sets aren’t.
radiowaves are free, radio sets aren’t.
change game making philosophy obviously. but this is not going to be widespread enough to be a concern probably.
sir this is a joke post
stardew is literally harvest moon bruh
hear hear, if it has problem then I take it to apple store for service. I don’t wanna waste time fucking about on my laptop. I’ll do trouble shooting on desktop but I just want long battery life and apple silicone beat the fuck out of anything else.
impulse control is completely different from dumb. army likes Forrest Gump dumb, not Gomer Pyle dumb.
what it did it expose just how much inherent bias there is in hiring. even just name and gender alone.
what about people’s save files though?
for some stuff absolutely, styling frameworks like bootstrap and others kludged together the concept of grid based designs. css grid just makes it official and more flexible.
mdn goes into it more and it’s way more involved than I thought, looks like order of operand doesn’t matter. see the number to string section
2 equal signs will coerce the second operand into the type of first operand then do a comparison of it can. so 1 == “1” is true. this leads to strange bugs.
3 equal signs do not do implicit type conversion, cuts down on weird bugs. 1===“1” is false.
edit: it appears to be more complicated than that for double equals and the position of operands don’t matter.
bro we’re on css grid now
i miss 6 torb games, ow was good when quick play was just goofy
I don’t think that would help lol