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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2021


  • It’s not actually open source (yet), and some AI bullshit. Hard nope from me.

    I really don’t get it though. Most of the time I run the same few command. cd and ls a bunch, SSH to some servers, docker-compose up, invoke a build script, pacman -Syyu, and the occasional grep. Maybe I’ll curl if I’m feeling feisty.

    For the times I do need to do something more complicated, I guess chatgpt might help, but I don’t need it fully integrated into an always online terminal that I have to log into and pay for.

  • I don’t use Flatpak much, but I rarely see issues. Sometimes I see minor things like themes not quite being right, but its never been bad enough for me to spend the time to fix it.

    I suppose another downside is the need to have the base runtime packages, so it could take more disk space if each app uses a different one. In practice apps will share runtimes though.

  • I’ve never heard of Skiff, but it’s sad to see more software gobbled up by VCs. Though it sounds like the back end was never OSS to begin with?

    I used to be so excited about a future where people were software literate where we would be building open systems and make a decent living. Instead, people have been force fed locked down systems in the name of “user experience”, all so that a few people can make an absolute killing while the rest of us feed off the scraps (even if the scraps of the software industry are still pretty good). It just makes me sad.

    I am extremely appreciative of folks who do make honest open source software though! Many of them do make a decent living too. It’s hard not to lose hope when reading stuff like this, but then I remember that I’m typing this comment using Firefox on KDE Plasma running on a Linux kernel, right next to an Emacs session. Sticking to good open source software is a wonderful thing!

  • I also run KDE on nvidia and have problems with Wayland. Supposedly the new drivers (version 550) have some improvements for Wayland, but I haven’t tried out the beta yet.

    Plasma 6 is just around the corner and it also has Wayland improvements.

    When both land I’ll probably try Wayland again, but for now X works really well for me and I don’t feel I’m missing anything by not using Wayland. If anything, moving to Wayland will break some things (like global auto type in KeepassXC )