• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • And here you have it: the serf mentality of the median American. Speaking out against your in-group, lest things could ever become better? Madness, better tell everyone to shut up about the fact that the ship is sinking, at least we’re not directly ingesting arsenic. If things ever become better, thank the heavens that they happened to fall down that way, because that behavior leaves you at the behest of whoever is leading the chorus, even if that person had been clearly screwing up for months, with no hope of ever influencing it yourself.

  • My more liberal friends haven’t liked Biden basically since the start. He was just the only option against Trump, whom they hate (a wonderful position our duopoly has put us all into). I will never be a fan of anyone that cheerleads for politicians though. It’s cringe to me. They work for us, not the other way around.

    By “hardline dems” I don’t mean “more liberal” or “more leftist”, I mean the “You criticized the official party line? Behold, I will immediately misrepresent what you said and paint you as an enemy”. They’re actually preventing their own party from becoming more effective.

  • Plenty of people on Lemmy immediately attacked you if you mentioned that Biden was going to tank the election or that he had mental health issues, and even though they became a little bit less aggressive after the debate, they still insisted and would call you a Trump supporter if you even suggested that the Democrats should have someone else run. Now that Biden is out of the race and Kamala is projected to have a much better chance than him, they’ve been proven wrong, but none of them will apologize for having denied reality.

  • I can forgive someone for being disconnected from reality, but when that someone goes and berates others for stating that a person obviously suffering from age-related issues does, in fact, does suffer from age-related issues, insists that it’s impossible for anyone else to compete against Trump, and has the knife ready at their hand ready to jump at you with accussations of being a Republican for raising very reasonable concerns, that’s a pretty heavy issue, and plenty of Lemmy users have done one or several of those things to the point that, frankly, discussing politics on this site has been just almost as unbearable as doing so in Reddit.

    I’m not going to receive apologies and I’m not expecting them, but I’m at least going to ask you to take a long time (weeks, months) wondering from time to time if you’re suffering from cognitive biases in your opinions. This is not an insult, everyone suffers from cognitive biases, I did suffer from pretty heavy ones a long time ago, but if they’re provoking harm (and most specially, doing political damage), you should at the very least take a look at them.

    On a side note, I have to say that I didn’t expect much from Kamala other than having a reasonably better chance than Biden of preventing the US from further falling into fascism, but she has surprised me positively by confronting with Netanyahu as soon as she got a bit of spotlight.

  • The ruling party in Spain is socially progressive, so they’re shooting themselves on the foot with this one.

    No one wants to tell the government they’re watching porn, especially in a Catholic country like Spain.

    Spain is majority Catholic, but in terms of people having mostly secular lives, it’s very similar to France. If anything, religion has more weight in institutions in relation to its social significance than it should as a leftover from our fascist dictatorship from 50 years ago.

  • “The scary socialist madman” accompanied by the Democratic Party apparatus? A presidential candidate Sanders along with a moderate liberal VP would have gotten both the traditional Democratic vote (as long as the party collaborated with him, rather than giving him the Corbyn treatment, which I don’t trust liberals not to do) and a considerable chunk of the electorate who doesn’t feel represented by either party. The day you guys understand that you don’t have to fight the Republicans in traditional terms, but rather, to change the coordinates of the fight, you’ll force Republicans to choose between evolving or getting buried. But the real problem by this point is whether it is too late.

  • However, even when the project had been given the go ahead, Klindžić said the team was “set up to fail from the start”, due to not having been allowed a pre-production period. “Whenever we raised concerns about this and expressed we needed more writers if the deadlines were to be met, we were accused of not wanting to do our jobs,” Klindžić said.

    “Pretty much from the moment the writing team’s pitch was approved in August of 2022, the other teams started production,” Tuulik added. "We didn’t even really know what the story or the characters were gonna be, when art teams were already making first character and environment concepts. I’m sure you can see how this is a big problem, when you’re making a narrative-led game.

    “Essentially, the writing team had to work double-time from day one to supply other disciplines with work, whilst trying to write the first dialogues and sketch out the rest of the game at the same time. The writing team consisted of myself and Dora at the time.” Another developer added: “I don’t know if Dora and Argo ever felt in control.”

    Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and call the headline bullshit. It should also be noted that Disco Elysium had 8 writers, on top of Kurvitz, and Kurvitz himself still argued that he went through crunch. Current ZA/UM’s management is a disaster and nothing good is going to come from it unless a brick falls upon their heads, and they magically learn that making good games requires a lot of work, or if you’re a capitalist, a lot of investment.