Spear still isn’t great. I’ve taken to using thr disposable AT rockets. That or thr auto cannon. Both work well they just take bit more aiming than the rail gun. Like you said though the rail gun still works as before as long as thr safety is off and you overcharge. With the safety on its 2-3 shots.
I searched for “nahive” just in case it was a word I hadn’t heard of but it doesn’t seem to be.
My pitchfork was out and my torch was almost lit but I’ve stowed both for the time being.
Subantica really was one of those games that just grabbed me, where I played eight hours and could have played more. I hope the next one is more of the same, expands on the building aspect and gives us another great big mystery.
Shaka-khan, when the beat drops
It will live in a folder with:
Spreadsheet(1).xls Spreadsheet - shortcut.lnk Spreadsheet(2) - Copy.xls New Spreadsheet - DO NOT USE.xls
Laughed way more than I should have.
Unfortunately not. I’m trusting others who know better but if you want trusted as best as it can be you’re stuck with the play store sadly.
It’s still there. You said nothing about a specific repository. That’s not “missinfo”. How about you calm your rhetoric.
Weird as I get signal from f-droid.
I understood that!
Duolingo, you son of a bitch you’ve done it again!
One day it will be Black and White. One day.