These laws are only applicable in two of Germany’s 16 states and only for state officials and authorities as well as schools. The other states mostly critize those states for infringing on equality rights. It just bans the use of gender related punctuations in written documents and school exams. It’s not well thought out.
You can still use gender neutral terms (Lehrende instead of Lehrer*innen). It’s a big deal as those states do it to cater to right-wing voters and fish them from the nazi-party AFD.
Btw Binnen-I is LehrerInnen. Other gender neutral notations are a “*”, “_” or “:”
Arguing that the female version makes it a second choice and then erasing it completely makes absolutely no sense. If german was a language with no difference in gender this might work, but that’s not what it is. We have female forms for most nouns so this will not work. A gender asterisk includes all genders. The argument that it puts female form second is also week as in german the emphasis of a word is usually on the last syllable.
Like it or not, our way of talking and writing is excluding people and is biasing our perception as to which things (especially jobs) are mainly male and what are female. There are enough studies about language and gender bias out there.
Words have power and we should take it seriously.