• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • My original point was that Fahrenheit is more useful as a gauge of human comfort temperature.

    But now you’ve made my other point that there is a not-insignificant number of people, like you, who’s identity is so wrapped up in the perceived superiority of all things metric that you get your panties in a twist at the slightest challenge. It’s honestly funny.

    I mean, look at you for example. You voluntarily joined a conversation to go off on an unhinged rant and call me names. Just take a moment to think about your life and the choices you’ve made to bring you to this point where you lose your shit over a unit of measure.

  • We all subjectively are more used to our scales

    Definitely agree. We’re comfortable with what we grew up with and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    For water, however, freezing pretty bang on zero … Which I’d argue is an objective benefit over Fahrenheit for weather.

    Ehhh, only if you have to think of freezing as zero. For us Fahrenheiters, “above 0” is cold but manageable with a coat. “below 0” means don’t go outside unless you have to. That’s a pretty convenient gauge to me.

    Negative? Freezing. Looks great on a graph

    Of course. If you’re plotting shit on a graph then you’re likely doing lab work, and I’ll agree that celsius is a great scale. Not for daily “how’s the weather” use though.