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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I have never once been accosted by or have accosted vegans on their dietary preference

    Congratulations, I wasn’t talking about you specifically because I don’t know you specifically.

    Your imagination is perpetuating the myth of the vast majority of people caring about an individual’s dietary preferences.

    No, I’m reversing the myth OP was perpetuating that vegans talk about being vegans constantly. There is no myth that “the vast majority of people care about an individual’s dietary preferences.” I’m using hyperbole to demonstrate what would happen if in a hypothetical situation where a vegan didn’t mention that they were vegan to explain why they weren’t eating meat. The hyperbole comes from the non-vegans not understanding why someone would not eat meat, forcing the vegan to announce themselves. Suddenly, the vegan, despite all their efforts not to, has perpetuated the myth that vegans constantly talk about vegans. In the hyperbolic situation - being used to demonstrate the inanity of the vegans-always-talk-about-being-vegans myth - the non-vegans represent people who perpetrate that myth.

    Thankfully, that’s not you. Sorry if you felt attacked.

  • Whenever anyone brings this up, I imagine a vegan sitting at a table with their new friends, refusing to eat any chicken wings, but also not saying why… And then everyone harassing them with a million questions like, “do you not like hot sauce? We can get barbecue”, “are you on a diet?”, “are you allergic?”, etc, etc. Finally, after half an hour of this, they lose it and just as there’s a lull in the music, they scream out, “look, I’m a vegan! I don’t fucking eat meat! Fuck off!”

    The whole bar goes quiet, staring, then one of the people at the table reaches for a wing, looks at the vegan, and says, “dude, chill, we get it, you don’t eat meat, blah blah blah. You don’t have to talk about it every 5 minutes! Here’s some bread and butter.”

  • Woooow, thank you! Glad I mentioned I was on the GOG version.

    Away from my computer right now but I think it is 0.16.something

    I watched a beginner’s guide (well a few, one of which went immediately into story spoilers for some reason) and realized I need to get into a guild. Maybe the tutorial would have mentioned this if it worked? In any case I have a better idea of how the beginning of the game will progress now and that for now I’m meant to just work my way into the world and wait for contact from someone.

    I’ll get a better version and give it another shot.

  • Yes, but only after hitting a bunch of random keys to see if they did anything and the ‘rest’ menu came up. I’ve definitely gone into the controls menu a few times now to learn new things.

    I made it out of the starting dungeon, and then had no idea what to do/where to go. Nothing on the map, nothing indicated in my journals, and no tutorial (which had said it would continue once I got out of the dungeon). I finally found a town, at night because I could see what maybe looked like lights way off in the distance, after going a long way and then turning around. Then I got there, went to a tavern, and people were giving me the cold shoulder. One person even mentioned my poor “reputation.” I’m like, am I not completely new here?

    All-in-all, I found the beginning:

    • very punishing (I died a lot, why put a creature that two shots me and I literally cannot injure as the second thing I encounter?)
    • buggy (there were lots of bugs, especially around save/load, I’m pretty sure if you aggro creatures or piss people off and then reload to a save just before you did that, they don’t reset unless you restart the game.)
    • janky (“click to swing” is on by default and I wonder if that is making the fighting really shitty. Certainly the weapon swing animations are pretty terrible.)
    • confusing (what is my goal? Where am I supposed to go? Why did a bunch of my stats suddenly appear red and drop 10 or so points?)
    • dumb (there are 5 stores in the town I found and none of them will buy/sell armour, but will buy/sell weapons)
    • has a shitty tutorial (it’s time based rather than progressing based on your actions, and doesn’t teach some pretty basic things/doesn’t match the key bindings)

    I should add that I’m using the GOG version which comes with a bunch of mods preinstalled/enabled. That could be changing my perception, because some stuff seems super smooth and clean (fire, for example) and other stuff seems not so great (fight animations, for example).

    So, I’m underwhelmed so far.