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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • But that scenario does have a flipside, possibly even a silver lining if it was macximized. Makes games a hell of a lot easier for indie devs to close the gap on aspects of production that right now. Decreasing a significant portion of cost/budget that will be to indie devs advantage.

    Which if luck holds, would really hurt the triple A dogshit studios and create a lot more competition that they have consolidated with the big mergers and acquisitions that have happened in recent years.

    Im all for empowering the little guys.

    (For clarity i dont want devs to replace any humans with AI)

  • You didn’t have a good experience with it, many of us did have some food experiences with it.

    But it made going out on the Internet interesting. Today I’m not sure if its less or more risky to view a sketchy site, is it more risky now with ransom ware, data scraypers, and such.

    Ide consider viruses to be less of a risk today, but my results probably vary

    My experience was that those webrings often worth checking out if you didnt have something specific you were looking for today.

    Its not the same at all, but theres a sense of my experience when i suddenly realize im on wikipedia and have opened 50+ tabs after I’ve finished what i was reading. Then just going through the tabs you have open

  • Ya know how therea books of short stories by authors or a collection of authors?

    You should totally do that with the numerous multimonth ADHD hperfixation learning binges you have gone on.

    But just write like just write out from memory as if it was a short story.

    Could collect from others like yourself and create anthologies of remembered knowledge. Like reviving or recreating an oral history like many people did in times of old

  • He was an NSA analyst that told us about things like 5 Eyes. He commited treason by revealing classified information because he took a stance against what he concluded was overreach and problematic behavior and decided to become a whistleblower about it

    He did this knowing the punishment was death, so he found refuge which unfortunately is russia.

    At this point its not hard to imagine Putin would want to convert snowden but no one who is claiming Snowden is a shill/russian asset is doing so based on any evidence, its all anecdotal and opinion because Putin would absolutely use him if he could convince him