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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • A sick and twisted part of me wants to see charging ports removed too. Every port! Make it IP69+ compliant. Maybe then the careless kids I know might keep a device alive for more than a year. Ultimately all that would do is barely solve one problem and introduce a whole lot of other problems.

  • I recently had the realization that I’ve just been putting up with Windows bullshit forever recently when a friend asked me for help with their work PC. They’re a Mac user, but they just started working from home and have been provided a Windows laptop. They sent me a bunch of rushed texts when their headset stopped working. They changed the default audio device after they launched the program. Which never works on a Windows PC. I never have that problem because I have just learned to live with it, I don’t even think about it anymore.

    Now I’m really starting to notice all the little things I put up with from Windows on my machine. To be fair my Linux machine is just as janky but at least I can say I made it that way. I keep telling myself to ‘tidy’ my Linux machine up but I never do, it still plays games just fine. Usually. If I didn’t fuck with it.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAudiophiles be like
    16 days ago

    I was like that too until I realized that all media is compressed in some way. A digital recording is only ever as precise as the analog to digital converter that was used in the studio. Analog is only as precise as it’s smallest distinguishable change. Eventually enough is enough and I was only wasting money.

  • Yeah you already do. I’m assuming that you’re in a public highschool. This advice becomes bad advice when there is any money on “the table”. NEVER do this at a university, private, chartered school, and absolutely NEVER do this to the person who will be giving you a paycheck.

    I’ll repeat this to be clear to everyone reading this. Do not do anything on a computer or network someone else owns that they don’t allow when money you have, or money you could have gotten could be taken away.

    When I said break the system I didn’t mean become so smart at computers that you can just walk past any barrier in any code. That’s impossible. Breaking the system means learning to understand the people who enforce it and working with them to get yourself around it. It means talking to the IT person, getting them to like you, then getting them to show you how to get around a firewall or tunnel out of a network or at least letting you try without getting into huge trouble.

  • Please read Charger8283’s reply. It’s the best one. You’re thinking small, how do I break out of their system, that will only land you in trouble. You should think big like how Charger8283 thought and break the system altogether.

    If you first find vulnerabilities and report them to your school, later when you find another one you don’t tell them about it until they ask. Keep it a secret and use it for a while. Just pretend like you weren’t ready to tell them because you didn’t understand it yet.

    Sometimes it pays off to play nice and stupid.

  • Actually most “responsible” jobs won’t drug test because it becomes too difficult to find people who are experienced enough to take on that responsibility. If they did they wouldn’t be able to staff a shift. As long as they’re well enough to do their work everyone will look the other way.

    On the other hand, jobs where the employee is easily replaceable will be more likely to be drug tested. There are people literally begging for the chance at a paycheck. It’s not really about safety or morals and more about employers maintaining authority over employees.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAmd fan
    1 month ago

    So this doesn’t apply to the Intel situation, but a good lesson to learn is that the bleeding edge cuts both ways. Meaning that anyone buying the absolute latest technology, there’s going to be some friction with usability at first. It should never surmount to broken hardware like the Intel CPUs, but buggy drivers for a few weeks/months is kinda normal. There’s no way of knowing what’s going to happen when a brand new product is going to be released. The producer must do their due diligence and test for anything catastrophic but weird things happen in the wild that no one can predict. Like I said at the top, this doesn’t apply to Intel’s situation because it was a catastrophic failure, but if you’re ever on the bleeding edge assume eventually you’re going to get cut.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlHuMaN NatUrE!
    1 month ago

    Yeah you realize that Democracy is much larger than the United States of America. Many democracies around the world, which have been historically regarded as stable democracies, don’t have a separate election for their top leader. That’s a pretty American thing. Most democratic top leaders are selected by the ruling party, not the electorate. It’s just assumed that your vote about who is top leader is rolled into your vote for your local representative for that level of government.

    The rest of the world looked at that and thought ‘and? What’s the problem? We do that shit all the time and it works out.’ Granted most democratic world leaders don’t have as many powers granted to them as the United States grants their President but still. In a bigger perspective it’s not a big deal.

  • I imagine that the absurdists have already gone through the existentialist crisis and come out on the other side with an acceptance of the seeming meaninglessness of it all…

    That was definitely my experience of it. It helped me grow out of my existential angst learning about absurdists and how they just embrace the madness of it all.

  • Good plan A.

    For a plan B, If your parents don’t understand why privacy is important on the internet they probably won’t understand why the echos in your room don’t seem to work. Say it’s wifi can’t reach the router, bend the cable so many times the wires break, “accidentally” become super clumsy with it and knock it over a bunch. This is absolutely a first world problem, it requires a first world solution.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlPolitical mindset evolution
    2 months ago

    Corruption in politics was described to me once as the grease that keeps the cogs of government turning. The importance difference is what type of grease is used. A government with low corruption uses a small amount of very clean grease, just enough, and only in the right places, to make the sticky gears turn. A government with high corruption will just drench every gear with very dirty crude oil, and if the gears seizes up they won’t even notice.

    In an ideal world the machine of government wouldn’t need any corrupt grease or oil to keep turning but no one truely lives in that world, yet.