The specific complaint was “gross corpospeak”. Let’s go ahead and use your explanation of the situation instead of mine, as it is indeed more accurate: how would you disseminate this change to your customers in a way that’s not “gross corpospeak”?
The specific complaint was “gross corpospeak”. Let’s go ahead and use your explanation of the situation instead of mine, as it is indeed more accurate: how would you disseminate this change to your customers in a way that’s not “gross corpospeak”?
How would you prefer they say it? Unless you mean to say they’re not within their rights to stop giving away a product?
That’s like a film winning an award based on the director’s cut
Yeah, the last time was FO4
This person potatoes
It’s the beaters making it gummy. Mash by hand, it’s too easy to overdo with an electric mixer.
They’re over-mixing, I bet.
Target rich environment
Wait, they want to put all the assholes in one place? We should let them, it’ll make it easier later.
Twitch: After Dark
And you provide what return, besides snark
I feel similarly but one of those choices is guaranteed not to help the people you’d like to see helped
I would have guessed it was titties
I’m so fucking trash at the fighting in this game that I 'll never try it
Someone yesterday said they don’t buy Bethesda games because they’re good at launch, instead they buy them because the modding community is so prolific.
Paying $60-70 for a game that requires teams of unpaid volunteers to make it playable after launch.
I bet Bethesda LOVES that guy.
I didn’t say anything like that. I’m asking you if you’re judging newer games against your nostalgic view of how good those games were. But you’re weirdly defensive about it so go jerk off to female Shepherd and come back with that post nut clarifty
I want to disagree, but you’re right. Elite Dangerous really nailed the emptiness of space lol
You’re welcome to your opinion but those are some old games. Are you sure it’s better or is it nostalgia?
Haha, no but that tickles me
Guy Fawkes (the guy the V for Vendetta mask represents) tried to blow up UK parliament in the 1600s. The Brits have a nursery rhyme for it:
“Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot; for there is a reason why gunpowder and treason should ne’er be forgot.”
I was just being silly by implying that living thru Payday 3 server issues are on the same level and get their own version of the rhyme
Hinterland has put so much love into TLD. I’m excited to see what this one is like!