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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • You CAN take steps to limit your exposure in varying levels of effort, the problem is a lot of that means “not using the thing” (ie gmail, Facebook, etc) and most people are not about that life, gripe as they might.

    I’ve paid for private email hosting for over 5 years, run grapheneOS on my phone, my fb is deactivated with messenger having limited perms on my phone and kept in an isolated container on desktop, self host a number of services like password management and storage - etc etc.

    Am I safe from big tech? Not completely. There’s still 1000 ways your business gets out and about, and on desktop I still use YouTube logged in and all (no yt on phone though.) They’re still only getting a small fraction from me compared to other people though.

  • My Dad growing up was probably fairly conservative but cool where it mattered - people are who they are, live and let live, that sorta shit. We never really discussed politics or anything.

    When I graduated he remarried, sold the trailer I grew up being told would be mine, bought a house he lost within 2-3 years and kicked me out of basically immediately. I ended up in the Army, caught an IED, got seperated. Couldn’t even use the “guest room,” charged me $500/mo (in 2008, kinda insane then but maybe not so bad now lol) to sleep in the open basement and kicked me out again cause I wasnt paying up fast enough.

    An ex convinced me to call him years later. First words out of his mouth - “You have that money you owe us?” I never reached out again.

    Over covid, he tried to add me on Facebook. I’d blocked him but he made a new one. Hell no, but you’re my dad I’ll let you creep. On a post about the protests going on - “Those protesters wouldn’t be a problem if we just gun em down.” I blocked him and then had to tell me aunt (“you can’t just block family over politics”) that this isnt political, its moral and I don’t want anyone like that in my life. Bright side, I never have to feel bad about it ever again.

    Its OK to let people go and cut them out. Blood family, chosen family, friends, they all stay with you even if your paths split apart. Never let old bonds tie you to a toxic situation. My Dad killed it growing up, now he’s a fascist. As you said, the man I knew was gone, and I do NOT owe whoever this new guy is anything. If thats the life they want to live, let them.

  • I don’t think wanting to end America is “tankie,” you’re just using dramatic phrasing. We have a corporate right wing government that has cut off all roads to influencing politics to the left that pretends to fight between two sides which are actually unified in fighting off anything left of the mid right wing.

    Feeling that there’s no pulling back seems perfectly reasonable to me. Institutions aren’t infallible eternal entities and their time sometimes comes. We’d all love a peaceful transition that doesn’t ruin anyone’s day to day, but how much systemic violence does it take before responding with violence is the only tangible response?