• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • That’s sorta my point.

    IIRC, the 2 minutes is the bare-minimum, and intended for someone with perfect teeth and technique. Now most people (ones who aren’t perfect) use the toothbrush, their common reaction to the timer completing is they are done brushing. They don’t realize that they were likely rushing to keep up with the timer and ignoring different plaque hot spots.

    I personally have a couple crowns that my previous dentist screwed up on and mis-sized the base, leaving a ledge where food and plaque get stuck in. If I don’t spend extra time around them, tatar will form like a madman. (Same issue with my lingual bar before I had it removed)

    I’m alright with a timer to help keep rhythm and let you know when you hit the minimum, but don’t make it integral to using the damn brush and turn it off when it hits zero.

  • Depending on how the event is spun (story-wise), an attempt like this could make the other candidate’s party seem unhinged enough that one of their members would do (and apparently fail badly at) this. This, making the target, and their party by association, seem more noble than thay may be.

    To a lot of people, whether the shooting is or isn’t affiliated doesn’t really get questioned no matter what they hear, as what party would hurt itself? They’ll immediately think there is some conspiracy (the human psychology loves these rabbit holes) to make it seem like any favoring affiliation to the target’s political side is staged by the other.

  • Militaries tend to think of their manpower as just a number, not as individuals. The basic training is supposed to make sure each will perform at a predictable level. Psychologically breaking one down is thought to be the quickest (albeit roughest) way to get people to that level. (i.e. being able to clear an area of hostiles with minimal to no friendly casualties, while on very little sleep or sustenance)

    Some drill instructors (from what I’m told) can have their rank/title go to their heads that they will ignore the logic of danger of the orders they give just for the sole purpose of “teaching a lesson” to their recruit declining something.

    I’m guessing their goal was to make sure anyone that goes through would be able to quickly rehydrate (or replenish themselves) while in the heat of a battle without “losing a step.”

    There is also an intimidation factor to opposing forces to give the appearance of an indifferent hivemind (sheep as you mentioned it) coming for them. (Think of how scary it would be to have cybermen or the borg after you)