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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Yes, sorry for the little error, my point is that m*Hz it is not generally speed but only in specific cases. Hz is not just “per time” but “something occurring x times per time”, like a frequency or revolutions. You can not use it for regular speed, it has to be a periodic event. That is how it is defined:

    The hertz is defined as one per second for periodic events.

    This is why we have Becquerels to count decay events, which are random and not periodic, but the unit is also 1/s. And for the same reason you can not use m*Bq as speed.

  • The first 2 paragraphs read a bit odd. I mean I specifically said that it is a tool that saves time and not what you put in my mouth. That is actually the whole point I made. The same way a book saves time compared to going somewhere, hearing about it and writing it down. Or using interactive programs instead of having to compile and upload code. Or using Python instead of C++ or C++ instead of assembly. Or assembly instead of straight binary or connecting wires or a punch card.

    I also specifically say that someone without prior knowledge is not going to be able to do that. The same way someone who does not understand math is not going to be able to use a calculator or Excel in an effective way.

    To take the oil change example, it is like a tutorial on how to do it yourself. But you still need to have a jack, lay on the floor, unscrew etc. But instead of having to go to a shop and learn it there, you learn it directly, which is more effective. Like reading a book about assembly instead of looking over the shoulder of the person inventing assembly. Errors can always happen and I have to say, given how much GPT improved over just 1.5 years, we are soon in the situation Wikipedia was back in the day. “Wikipedia can be edited by everyone, you can’t trust it” while in reality it was already more reliable than the encyclopedias it was getting compared to.

  • Define “without having their hand held”. Did they come up with all concepts themselves? Do they exclusively code in assembly? Wire their machines by hand? Operate the switches manually? Push the button off the Morse machine themselves? How far back should I go with the analogies before it is clear how nonsensical that is? I am a random hobbyist that is enabled to do such stuff because of GPT. I would not have been able to replace a broken BMS chip in my e-bike battery without GPT helping me digest the datasheet and get the register, programming procedure etc. etc. into code to read the old and write the new chip. I am not 15 anymore, I can not spend 50 hours learning some niche skill that I will never(!) use again just to fix something that is worth 200 $.

    If you think that anyone can do that with GPT you are not only mistaken but at the same time I am shocked that you would not want that to be the case, just out of pettiness that you could not do it as easy but “had to learn it the hard way back in the day”. Disgusting.