Maybe they should build a city in the ocean where these intellectuals have full control. Maybe experiment with some cool drugs.
Is crackhead a curse word now?
Specifying a ‘racist conservative’ is redundant.
/bin confused me for a while because I thought it meant ‘this stuff is trash, don’t worry about it’.
I started on Unix systems using Vim, so I find Nano to be the confusing editor. A Vim install is one of the first things I do on a new server.
Sterling wasn’t even decimalised until the 70s, so you’d often be talking about florins, shillings, pence etc. before pounds.
So in a lot of ways it was even worse!
Maybe the mushrooms act more as fruit, drawing Marios into dangerous areas to be killed. The ‘main’ part might be housed in the corpse itself.
It actually ‘Badmapodes’.
My parents called me Basic.
Some proper Tails Gets Trolled vibes.
Remember that cringe thing you did when you were 9 20 years old?
Where’s the squirrel?
So Matt Berry being in Fable is pretty much a given at this point, right?
He was stealing his sister’s toys and fucking with them in ways that scared her. Lad isn’t innocent.
“Your honor, please don’t tell mum. You can have the Xbox for a week just don’t tell her.”
I’ve said for a while that platforms that allow you to easily move make me more comfortable using them, and ironically, more likely to stay around.