Sadly, RATM are now part of the machine. Last time they were in my city, tickets to their concert were $500+ and the concert had corporate sponsors
Sadly, RATM are now part of the machine. Last time they were in my city, tickets to their concert were $500+ and the concert had corporate sponsors
Ooooh i get it now! You’re an idiot.
You rednecks have a twisted history of claiming democrats of today are the same as democrats of anti bellum. But then again you wave the flag of an enemy nation that was stomped out like a cockroach , and build statues to traitors of the unites states, yet you think you’re patriots.
Can we get one of snoop as Clayton Bigsby?
What’s the point in making a game that only works well in the future where other games look better or you stopped caring? I never played crisis then and I tried it recently and it felt outdated and cheap so I put it down
Does anyone actually like disproportionate ass that’s way too big like that?
I still prefer gta 4, the city was worn out, lived in, cramped and dense.
Raid the grocery store dumpster for expired eggs, even better and free
I’ve been watching a lot of those documentaries and they are just making me hate the police even more. Most come down to complete ineptitude and ignorance by the police who are ignoring red flags and being lazy idiots
To be fair, this side is Americans. Your side are a bunch of morons who wave flags of enemy nations and worship trump like a king.