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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • You can moral relativism your way out of the ethical problem if you want, but believing killing animals is wrong is not a religious position any more than believing murder, or rape, or theft is wrong. It’s cool that for you the opposite is a religion, but it seems like you have just found a convenient way to hand-wave away arguments against your position as “someone else’s beliefs” which can’t possibly have any bearing on your own.

    I’m not trying to convince you of anything - you’re right that, among all of those who eat meat, you’re extremely low impact. Absolutely do whatever you want. But I’d consider the fact that in this thread you are claiming vegans are the religious ones while writing short essays on your own self described “religion” of hunting animals. The only one preaching here is you, man.

  • There are many different vegans with many different viewpoints. I am not vegan, but I come pretty close - I do still consume a limited amount of dairy, but otherwise I don’t buy animal products. This is for the reasons you say - I don’t want to support factory farming. I also have a limited amount of time in my life for investigating everything I eat, however - I don’t honestly have the stamina to check every egg-containing product to see if it used battery eggs or not. I really don’t have the time to check if the “free range” eggs I’m buying are really free range or if they have sneaked around the regulations and it’s battery farming in disguise. It’s just easier not to buy any eggs.

    I will accept eggs from people I know who keep chickens - no problem from me there. I think that humans having relationships with domestic animals is fine, generally we both benefit - the animals because they are protected from predators, they get fed, etc, and us because we gets eggs.

    Some vegans would not agree with me. Some vegans don’t believe humans should keep any animals, including pets. I don’t believe there’s an issue with keeping some pets though. Domesticated animals wouldn’t even exist without us… Like it or not their “natural” habitat is living with humans. You couldn’t release all the dogs and expect that to be better for us or them.

  • BluesF@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldE, W & F
    24 days ago

    Fantasy interpretations often miss out that fact that if we really had a ‘four element’ system governing the world then everything would be made up of those four elements in differing amounts. So any liquid is presumably going to be mostly water. Perhaps oil is a mix of water and earth, or water with fire trapped in it (makes sense, right?), trees are mostly earth but clearly some water, and so on.

    True manipulation of a single element would be insanely powerful because it would give you some degree of control over everything. Which, I suppose, is why we don’t get that interpretation - we get a quite literal one. Water gives you control over pure water and not much else.