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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world"what happened??"
    5 days ago

    There are way too many of the “old ways” still around in Germany, from a surveillance culture and a very propagandistic Press activelly indoctrinating people to them continuing to support an ethno-Fascist state committing a Genocide with weapons very overtly because of their race and German courts convicting people for “anti-semitism” when they say the “from the Land to the Sea” saying (which is about Israel, not the Jewish Religion) but not doing the same for actual overt racist statements and behaviors against other ethnic groups.

    The rise of the AfD has happened in a field well plowed by mainstream German politicians with the idea that people’s worth depends on race, with some races being deemed good (ubermenschen) and others bad (untermensched) - they might not use the same words anymore, but they certainly share that same view of Mankind.

    The apparatus of the State and even the Justice System in Germany is riddled with the very same ideas about people - the racist idea that people’s value is determined by their race and some races are better than others - that served as the foundation of Nazism.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world"what happened??"
    6 days ago

    It’s really very simple:

    • When it’s for the benefit of the Owner class (in this specific case mainly Publishers) it’s ownership hence people are told they’re buying games (only to discover after paying that it’s not so) and piracy is described and even in some countries treated as Theft.
    • When it’s for the benefit of citizens in general it’s intellectual property and it’s not really owned by them when they buy it (only licensed, often in such a way that they can lose access to what they were told they were buying) and if they do happen to created intellectual property themselves it can easily be taken away from the by the Owner class who “curiously” even in those countries which treat Piracy the same as Theft won’t be criminally held responsible for it.

    It’s the good old “one rule for thee another for me” so popular with authoritarians, especially Fascists (which probably explains why Germany is one of a few countries in Europe that criminalizes piracy, but de facto only treats it as such when it’s the little people doing it).

  • Sound like a critical race condition or bad memory access (this latter only in languages with pointers).

    Since it’s HTTP(S) and judging by the average developer experience in the domain of multi-threading I’ve seen even for people doing stuff that naturally tends to involve multiple threads (such as networked access by multiple simultaneous clients), my bet is the former.

    PS: Yeah, I know it’s a joke, but I made the serious point anyways because it might be useful for somebody.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldOil
    8 days ago

    Between the possibilities that people extracting the dirtiest most ecologically-damaging to extract oil there is from Alberta’s Tar Sands are doing it for:

    • The Lesbians
    • Their own pockets (and screw everybody else)

    There is one infinitely more likely to be the actual reason than the other and it ain’t the first one.

    Kind reminds me of an equally facile argument that was making the rounds excusing the Israeli Genocide because of “how Palestinians treated Homosexuals”, as if Israel was murdering tens of thousands of little children (more broadly, an estimated almost 200k people, quite independently of their sexual orientation) because of how much they cared about Palestinian Homosexuals.

    This shit is to Equality what Greenwashing is to Environmentalism.

  • Aceticon@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.ml33 years ago...
    16 days ago

    The amount of effort I do to try and avoid using double parentesis is trully herculean.

    I think that stuff is the product of a completionist/perfectionist mindset - as one is writting, important details/context related to the main train of thought pop-up in one’s mind and as one is writting those, important details/context related to the other details/context pop-up in one’s mind (and the tendency is to keep going down the rabbit hole of details/context on details/context).

    You get this very noticeably with people who during a conversation go out on a tangent and often even end up losing the train of thought of the main conversation (a tendecy I definitelly have) since one doesn’t get a chance to go back and re-read, reorganise and correct during a spoken conversation.

    Personally I don’t think it’s an actual quality (sorry to all upvoters) as it indicates a disorganised mind. It is however the kind of thing one overcomes with experience and I bet Mr Torvalds himself is mostly beyond it by now.

  • I got an Orange Pi 5 Plus to play with smallish AIs (because it has an NPU) and I normally access it remotely, so I have to know its IP address to do it.

    In order to easilly know the IP address of it, I’ve wired a little 128x64 monochrome OLED screen to it (Orange PIs, like Raspberry PIs have a pin connector giving access to GPIO and interfaces like I2C, Serial and SPI) which talks via I2C.

    Turns out those interfactes aren’t active in Linux by default (I.e. no /dev/i2c-x), so I figured out that I had to add a kernel overlay to activate that specific interface (unlike with the Raspberry PI whose Linux version has a neat program for doing it, in the Orange Pi you have to know how the low level details of activating those things), which I did.

    To actually render characters on that screen I went with an ARM Linux port of a graphics library for those screens I used before with Arduino, called u8g2)

    Then I made a program in C that just scans all network interfaces and prints their names and IP addresses on that screen, and installed it as a Cron job running once a minute.

    Now, as it turns out when you shutdown your Linux on that board, if you don’t disconnect it from power there is actually still power flowing through the pin connector to any devices you wire there, so after shutdown my screen would remain ON and showing the last thing I had put there, but because the OS was down it would naturally not get updated.

    So the last thing I did was another small C program which just sends to that screen the command for it to go into power saving mode, shutting it down. This program was then installed as a Systemd Service to run when Linux is shutting down.

    The result is now that there is a little screen hanging from the box were I put this board with Linux which lists its IP addresses and the info is updated if it connects other interfaces or reconnects and gets a new IP address. Curiously I’ve actually been using that feature because it’s genuinely useful, not just a funny little project.

  • Something as simple as having a decent size fridge with a freezer or not is the difference between being able to buy larger quantities of food cheaper per Kg, buying cheaper frozen ingredients or preparing extra food and freezing some for later and not being able to do so hence spending more money on food.

    Also there are several other kinds of things were having the money to buy them in larger quantities yields a lot of savings versus having to buy them in smaller quantities with what little money one has available.

    Just like beyond a certain point wealth is self-sustainable and it’s almost impossible to fall down from there unless one is a moron (and even then, one has to be extraordinarilly so and also unlucky), below a certain point poverty is self-sustainable because one doesn’t have the money needed to be able to access cheaper options to fullfil basic needs.

    Even at higher wealth levels there are all sorts of feedback cycles that stop people from climbing the ladded or which push them down unless they’re high enough in it: for example, healthcare costs in countries without Universal Healthcare or the tuition of Higher Education (a gatekeeper for many opportunities) in countries without decent free or cheap Public Higher Education.

    The System is rigged.

  • The whole business model of Apple is to force a hardware upgrade cycle on you and force all your devices to be in that same ecosystem.

    I mean, I can see the advantages of it on the short term, but on the longer term having stuff that keeps on working even as always even in older hardware (or you just install new hardware under it and it just recognizes it and keeps on working) is a massive benefit versus a $1500+ bill every two five years and having to migrate your stuff.

  • Having done the transition some months ago, there is still some stupid shit one has to deal with (especially, but not only, for games NOT from Steam) at times, more than in Windows, but it’s all so much better than it was before and by now quite close to the Gaming experience in Windows.

    Then on top of that there are all the the longer term peace of mind things versus Windows: upgrading your Linux costs zero, changing your hardware won’t invalidate your Linux “OEM License” (plus it will probably just boot up as normal with if you just move your SSD to a whole new machine rather than throw you into driver nightmare), games that work in today’s Linux will keep on working in tomorrow’s and so on - this is actually massive advantage of Linux versus Windows which is seldom talked about: more often than not, hardware migration with Linux is to just move your SSD to a whole new machine, with all the stuff just the way you like it and all you files, and it just boots with and keeps on working.

    (PS: Especially relevant for gamers who have to upgrade due to the increasing demands on hardware from the gaming side of things even though the hardware is fine for everything else they do in that machine, and who would rather that all those other things they’ve installed and kept on using rather than uninstall after “finishing the game”, just carry on configured just the way they like it and working just the way they’ve always did, even when they do upgrade the hardware because of games. People who are fine with hardware dedicated to gaming and with replacing the whole thing - hardware and software - for newer games, just get XBoxes or similar consoles, not PCs)

    Linux not only saves you from enshittification, keeps control in your hands and preserves your privacy, it’s also a reliable and functional long term OS layer for your hardware that doesn’t force hardware upgrades on you.