Its a bit of both. He definitely believed in the supremacy of the Anglo-Saxon race. There is no excuse for it, but there is a pitiable aspect to the part of Lovecrafts racism that is rooted in fear. Like Fucking chill Howard, its just a Welshman.
Its a bit of both. He definitely believed in the supremacy of the Anglo-Saxon race. There is no excuse for it, but there is a pitiable aspect to the part of Lovecrafts racism that is rooted in fear. Like Fucking chill Howard, its just a Welshman.
I’ve always been a skeptic but when I was a teenager Ghost Hunting shows were a guilty pleasure of mine. Tried watching some of the Ghost Hunters revival recently and holy shit its all so fake. Its a good 45 mins of the team “feeling” something with the rare instance of them claiming to witness activity that is conveniently off camera. Why don’t they wear body/head cams? Because then they wouldn’t be able to pull that shit and claim their anecdotal experience as “evidence” the location is haunted.
Btw they say every location is haunted now. Even when the best evidence they can find is some odd ambient sound or “EVP” that they suggest vaguely sounds like a noise a person can make. Notice how the person they are presenting the evidence too can never tell what the “EVP” is saying until the Ghost Hunters suggest something. At least in the old days they used to debunk stuff on occasion. They also used to occasionally find more substantial evidence, but I think in the era of HD TV’s and Cameras + the scrutiny of the internet they know they cant get away with faking that shit anymore. They basically just go around giving businesses “evidence” to market that they are haunted and enabling delusional homeowners. I’m honestly ashamed that I was ever gullible enough to consider that they may have been legit.
Its also just totally a false equivalency. Lets entertain for a moment the fact that Peta is an imperfect organization that doesn’t always do the right thing. Okay and? The industry they protest exploits not just animals, but Children and Workers. Its carbon footprint is playing an instrumental role in destroying the biosphere. But sure, PETA is imperfect so I guess we’ll all just keep eating meat.
Why reflect on my unethical consumption habits when I can just listen to meat industry/fast food propaganda? Mmmmm Chicken sure is tasty!
Redditors when you imply there may be some ethical problems with modern meat consumption: VEgaNs ArE a BuNcH of PreCHy SnoWflaKes!!1! PETA MurdERS iN THier SHelteRS!!1!!
Ding goes the oven, your Tyson nuggies are ready!
This tracks. There was the whole Hyenas debacle and their flagship series has been struggling. There is no need or desire for yearly Total War releases, they are just a waste of time and money. Warhammer 3 has been bungled from the get-go. There were a few bright spots where it seemed like they could turn it around, but now its seemingly in a downward spiral from which I doubt it will recover. RIP. Easy money blown down the drain by a severely mismanaged company.
Starfield just doesn’t look or play like a game that came out in 2023. Fallout 4 was already behind the curve for it’s time, and Starfield is basically just Fallout 4 in Space 8 years later. Rpgs have evolved in both gameplay and narrative and Bethesda just isn’t keeping up. Don’t know if it’s a skill issue or it’s corporate suits playing it safe and setting unreasonable deadlines, probably a mix of both.
Starfield may be a success financially and find a fan base for now, but it’s going to be forgotten soon by most and definitely won’t be seeing rereleases a decade later.
Ehhh I don’t think Larians quite up to the task. Yeah BG3 has an engaging story and some good characters, but politically it doesn’t really have anything to say outside of some queer representation. It’s the Sunday Friend’s favorite new RPG!