Hey all, sorry for the low level question, but basically I’m looking for the easiest way to set up something like a Windows AD. This would be for something like 10 computers at a local church where I do a lot of their infrastructure work. Is also be interested in sound something similar on my home network, but a while directory is probably overkill. And any suggestions on learnings or other suggestions appreciated!
Zentyal is a thing. I don’t know much about it. https://www.zentyal.com/community/
Damn, I hadn’t heard much about this either, but it does seem like a full replacement for Windows server with AD. I’ll for sure be checking it out, thanks!
I used this at v4.0, everything worked great for getting both lin and win 7 clients to play ball except the win7 machines would eventually keep claiming the machine key had expired. It was sooo irritating.