Yesterday, I made this post about getting my old Xbox 360 controller working wirelessly on Manjaro. The comments suggested using xpadneo- more specifically xpadneo-dkms. xpadneo-dkms only works Xbox One and Series X controllers. Doing a little more research, I came across xboxdrv. I installed the AUR package but gave me an error message saying that I was missing two dependencies: scons and glib2-devel. scons installed with but glib2-devel has been a bit tricky. If I used yay -S glib2-devel it returns this error: -> No AUR package found for glib2-devel there is nothing to do. If I use sudo pacman -S glib2-devel it returns this error: error: target not found: glib2-devel. I could go on but we would be here all day. Any help? Thanks in advance.

    4 months ago

    I’m confused. Have you tried what is suggested in the arch wiki? Controllers are easier to get working on Linux than in Windows in my experience… And I’m on Manjaro. The Xbox 360 controller was considered the default for such a long time that in many cases, other controllers’ buttons had to be remapped externally to match the xbox 360’s in order to play games. It should be completely plug and play if your adapter and controller both work.