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Maybe you should offer him an actual coutner-argument, instead of just saying “You’re wrong and uninformed”. You’re not even presenting an opinion on the story at all, which is even more meaningless than his actually relevant comments.
The onus is not on me to inform him when he can scroll up and find the original gamers Nexus video, the LTT response, etc.
His arguments have absolutely no basis. There is no point engaging with someone who refuses to inform themselves on all the very public information that is available. Especially when it can be gleaned by nearly zero effort
Maybe you should offer him an actual coutner-argument, instead of just saying “You’re wrong and uninformed”. You’re not even presenting an opinion on the story at all, which is even more meaningless than his actually relevant comments.
The onus is not on me to inform him when he can scroll up and find the original gamers Nexus video, the LTT response, etc.
His arguments have absolutely no basis. There is no point engaging with someone who refuses to inform themselves on all the very public information that is available. Especially when it can be gleaned by nearly zero effort