Elon lied? shocked pikachu face
Not sure who hasn’t figured out he is just the greatest snakeoil salesman of our generation.
Don’t forget the smartest, and the most open freedom speech guy evar!
lol so it not only looks like a brick, it drives like one!
My Volvo Brick is offended and would like to have a word!
242 wagon!
I am someone who has appreciated the jolie laide of the Nissan Cube, and even I think that the Tesla truck looks like a low polygon count render from a 1988 video game.
I am a Delica L300 owner. I like my blocky cars… The Tesla truck is moronic.
So under certain scenarios, you may have to find a place to charge and spend 1-2 hours charging it every 3-4 hours when traveling on the highway? I know a couple of sales guys that drive something like 100k-150k (I can’t remember exactly) a year. In their case, they would have to charge roughly 750 times in one year, which is ~750-1500 hours of charging time per year, which is up to ~28 hours of charging per work week. I know this is not the target audience for this product, but to be fair, both of these people currently drive trucks because they are hauling things.
EDIT: Doing the math, it may have been 100-150k for TWO years, so cut my estimates in half. That is still a TON of time charging though.